So that用法

So that用法



He works hard so that he can lead a better life.

She is so kind that everyone likes to get along with her.

▍so that 和 so…that 有什麼不同?


可以發現 so that 和 so…that 的用法和意思完全不同!

He works hard so that he can lead a better life.

She is so kind that everyone likes to get along with her.


在用法上,so that 是副詞連接詞的關係,


so that 意思是「 以至於 」,


He works hard so that he can lead a better life.


My friend overslept this morning so that she didn’t catch the school bus.



在用法上,會在 so 後方加上形容詞或副詞,

以及 that 後方加上句子

so…that 表達出「如此 … 以至於 …」。

She is so kind that everyone likes to get along with her.


I was so busy that I can’t join the activity.


George runs so fast that no one can catch up with him.

George 跑得太快以至於沒人追得上他。



I was so busy that I can’t join the activity.

= I was too busy to join the activity.

從以上這句,我們可以學到「 too…to… 」的表達,

意思是「如此 … 以至於不能 …」。

用法上,會在 too 後方加上形容詞或副詞,

以及 to 後方加上原形動詞。

那要記住!too…to… 本身帶有否定的意思!


so that 表達「以至於」

so…that 表達「如此…以至於…」

too…to 表達「如此…以至於不能…」

可以記住:that 後方加句子,to 後方加原形動詞。


  1. My sister is so hard-working that she achieves her goal
  2. We are too lazy to step out of the comfort zone.
  3. I didn’t finish my homework so that I was punished by my teacher.


  1. 姊姊如此認真以至於她達成目標了。
  2. 我們太懶散以致於無法跳脫舒適圈。
  3. 我沒有完成作業以至於我被老師處罰。

So that用法

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so that的用法

so that的用法及例句详解 that以便;表示目的
so that = so

句子+so that+ 主语+情态动词+V原+…
They got up early so that they could catch the early bus.
=They got up early so they could catch the early bus.
他们早早起床,以便能够搭上早班车。 that 因此、导致(结果);表示结果
so that = so

句子, so that + 句子
The floor is wet, so (that) it is easy to fall down.
so that前常有逗号…that…如此…以致于…;表示结果
1)句子+so + adj./adv. + that+句子

He was so short that he couldn’t touch it. 

2)so + adj. + a/an + n.+ that+句子
She is so nice a girl that everyone likes her.

3)so + many/much + n. + that+句子
He has lied so many times that I cannot trust him anymore. 
There is so much fog that I can’t see anything.

 以上就是 so that的用法,更多相关用法:
so that和such that
so that和too to的区别

• 查看相关语法: 连词

So that用法

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So that用法

英文 so / so that / so…that 的用法,讓你暈頭轉向了嗎? 英文文法之所以讓人覺得麻煩,就是因為單字都長得很像,甚至一個單字有好多種不一樣的用法,常常讓人看得昏頭轉向,還是不知道到底這個文法在幹麻。

英文老師Adam在Engvid上分享了其中一種最容易讓人搞混的組合 so / so that / so…that,讓學生看完他的說明之後,以後都不會再把這三個相似度高達九成的不同用法搞錯了!

下面教學 so / so that / so…that 這三者之間的用法差異,以及它們的意思到底差在哪裡。

  • 1. so 用法
  • 2. so that 用法
  • 3. so…that 用法
  • so that/ so…that 用法差異比較

1. so 用法

so 有非常多不一樣的功能,可以表達「認同」(e.g So do I.)、可以表達「前一句的內容」(e.g I think so, too.)或是用來「加強語氣」(e.g She is so beautiful.)。

而最重要的,是將 so 作為「連接詞」使用,前後連接兩個完整的句子,表達兩句的因果關係,so 的前面放事件的原因,so 之後接上前句之原因所導致的結果。

I was late, so I missed the meeting.

2. so that 用法

so that 作為「副詞連接詞」使用,so that 後面接上副詞子句,表示之前所接的主要子句之目的,強調「目的」的語意。

I worked overtime this week so that I can take time off next week.

3. so…that 用法

so + adj. / adv. + that 的用法具有「強調」的功能,強調前面是「如此…以致於…」,所以中間加上的是形容詞或副詞,加強形容詞的強度。

I am so tired that I might pass out.
(我是如此的疲累以致於我可能會昏倒。) so that/ so…that 用法差異比較


一個例子比較so / so that / so…that 這三者之間的用法差異:

Bill worked hard, so he was promoted.


Bill worked hard so that he would be promoted.


Bill worked so hard that he was promoted.



如何用so that?

so that 作為「副詞連接詞」使用so that 後面接上副詞子句,表示之前所接的主要子句之目的,強調「目的」的語意。 例: I worked overtime this week so that I can take time off next week. (我這禮拜加班工作,這樣一來我下禮拜才能補休。)

So that 可以用在句首吗?

3. so that后面跟的是一个长句子,引导目的状语从句,此时意义上等同于in order that ,但是in order that可以放在句首,而so that则不能放在句首


despite用作介词时,与in spite of同义,都表示“尽管”、“虽然”、“不顾”之意 放在句首时,要接成分,成分也就是句子的组成部分,由词或词组充当。 如: Despite his advanced years,he is learning to drive. 虽然年事已高,他现在在学驾驶汽车。


I. as 作介词,意思是“作为”,“以… 身份”,“如同” ... .
II. as作连词的用法 1. as…as, 意为”和… ... .
III. as作关系代词,引导定语从句 ... .
3) As you know, I like music. IV..