佩 羅 尼 氏病

Peyronie’s disease is a common yet poorly understood condition characterized by penile pain, curvature, sexual dysfunction and psychological bother. Peyronie’s disease represents a penile wound healing disorder, and is thought to arise from exuberant scarring in response to penile trauma in genetically predisposed men. In the absence of active treatment, the majority of men experience stable or worsening symptoms, with few reporting spontaneous resolution in penile curvature or other deformity. In contrast, penile pain improves or resolves in the majority of men. Treatment options vary based on symptom severity and stability. Several oral therapies are commonly prescribed, although to date there are no strong data to support any oral agents as monotherapy for Peyronie’s disease. Other options including penile traction therapy and intralesional injections result in modest improvements for many patients, particularly when used early after symptom onset. Penile straightening through approaches, such as penile plication and plaque incision or partial excision and grafting, represent the most rapid and reliable approach to correct penile curvature once the symptoms have stabilized. Side‐effects vary based on the type of surgery carried out, and include penile shortening, sensation changes and erectile dysfunction in the minority of men. In patients with drug refractory erectile dysfunction and Peyronie’s disease, placement of a penile prosthesis will address both issues, and is associated with high levels of patient satisfaction. The current review provides a practical approach to the modern evaluation and management of patients presenting with Peyronie’s disease.



Patrick J. Shenot

, MD, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital

医学审查 5月 2021


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    佩 羅 尼 氏病


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佩罗尼病(Peyronie's Disease)是一种因纤维组织增生导致阴茎挛缩变形使之在勃起时弯曲的疾病。


此病会导致勃起疼痛。瘢痕组织可延伸至勃起组织(阴茎海绵体),引起 勃起功能障碍 勃起功能障碍 (ED) 勃起功能障碍 (ED) 是指无法达到或维持性交满意的勃起。 (也请参见 男性性功能障碍概述。) 每个男性在达到勃起时偶尔都会遇到问题,此类情况被视为正常。当男性出现以下情况时,患有勃起功能障碍(ED) 永远无法达到勃起 反复达到短暂勃起状态,不足以完成性交 阅读更多




佩 羅 尼 氏病


  • 维生素 E 和/或对氨基苯甲酸盐

  • 局部注射来缩减瘢痕组织

  • 超声波治疗



口服维生素 E 有助于创伤愈合和减少瘢痕。口服对氨基苯甲酸乙酯可能有效,但有时会引起胃部不适,影响消化功能,且每天要吃很多片。




不推荐手术治疗,除非疾病进展,且阴茎严重弯曲不能成功性交时。手术切除瘢痕组织会使阴茎缩短,有可能使病情加重或导致 勃起功能障碍 勃起功能障碍 (ED) 勃起功能障碍 (ED) 是指无法达到或维持性交满意的勃起。 (也请参见 男性性功能障碍概述。) 每个男性在达到勃起时偶尔都会遇到问题,此类情况被视为正常。当男性出现以下情况时,患有勃起功能障碍(ED) 永远无法达到勃起 反复达到短暂勃起状态,不足以完成性交 阅读更多 。为了帮助男性在性交时穿透,可以植入阴茎假体。

注: 此为家庭版。 医生: 浏览专业版




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