Neutral wire 中文

地線(PE): 不用於工作迴路,只作為保護線。利用大地的絕對“0”電壓,當設備外殼發生漏電,電流會迅速流入大地,即使發生PE線有開路的情況,也會從附近的接地體流入大地。(從變壓器中性點接地後引出主幹線並每間隔20-30米重複接地)



交流電電源線分為零線(標誌字母為"N":Neutral wire)和火線(標誌字母為"L":Live Wire)。用電器相連還有地線——和大地相連的導線;火線、零線、地線都是連線在三孔插座的導線,火線與零線之間保持呈正弦振盪式的壓差。由於大地和零線電位相同,故火線與地線也保持呈正弦振盪式的壓差。當人體接觸火線時,火線的電流通過人體流入大地或者零線,會發生觸電事故,而接觸零線則不會被電擊的。把外殼能導電的用電器的外殼與地線連線,在漏電的情況下,電流會直接通過地線流入大地而不通過身體,從而避免發生觸電事故。



在三相四線制的供電系統中,如果零線接地不好或者接地端斷了,其後果是在三相負載不平衡時使零線的電位不等於0,也就是說中性點發生偏移。具體零線電位多少與三相負載不平衡度有關,越不平衡,中性點偏移就越大,零線的電位就越高。零線電位偏移後三相的相電壓一般就不是220V了。有的相可能超過220V,有的相則可能低於220V。 當中性點偏移量太大,三相的相電壓增加的相就可能使其用電電器燒毀,三相的相電壓減少的相就可能使其用電電器不能工作。零線的電位升高后,達到一定的值時觸地線將會造成觸電事故危險






在解釋為什麼之前,要先了解什麼叫做觸電。其實觸電的定義並不是說手碰到交流電這么單純。觸電的定義是說,物體兩端產生了一個電位差,根據歐姆定律I=U/R 所以只要兩端構成了電位差,有電流從身體流過( 學術一點的名詞叫迴路),才叫做觸電。

一般高壓電線會分成幾條,其中一條是 0V 的電壓,就是我們說的地線,其他都是有電壓的存在,就是所謂的火線。

小鳥為什麼不會觸電呢?因為小鳥他的兩隻腳都是站在同一條電線上面,所以相對來說,他兩腳的電壓會相等。例如說:小鳥站在1萬伏特的高壓電,小鳥的左腳是1萬伏特,右腳也是1萬伏特,所以1 萬V -1萬V = 0V 電壓是0伏特,電流當然也是0安培,這就是小鳥為什麼不會觸電的原因,因為他根本沒有電位差,也當然不會有電流。

With laser projectors whose optical output power is relatively low (for example, a few hundred milliwatts) and projectors that

[...] [...] have a plastic enclosure, there may only be two AC power wires (Line and Neutral) and the Ground wire may or may not be used.

一般情况下,几百毫瓦的小功率激光灯或带塑料外壳的灯只需火线和零 线 即可 , 地 线可 有可 无。

c. Connect blue wire to Neutral (N).

The international color standard specifies the brown wire as the LINE (or “Hot”) lead, and the blue wire as the NEUTRAL lead.


[...] considers the UN a neutral actor, unthreatening [...]

to its influence in Myanmar, and one which it can influence


through its role on the Security Council.

总体而言,北京认为联合国的角色是 中立的,对 它在缅甸的影响力不构成威胁,同时, [...]

Moreover, the new building is designed

[...] to be energy-neutral, and will likely [...]

generate excess electricity that could be used


to power the other buildings in the compound, increasing savings in electricity purchases.

而且,新建筑被设计为能源中性,还 可 能产生多余电力,可供大院内其他建筑使用,增加节约电力购买费用。

Connect the air supply hose ground wire (Q) to a true earth ground.

将供气软管接地导线 (Q) 连接到真正 的接地端。

Connect the other end of the ground wire (S) to a true earth ground.

将接地导线的另一端 (S) 连接到真正 的大地接地点上。

However, you should still maintain a sense of

[...] [...] “Line” and “Neutral” throughout the laser projector, always connecting the “Line” terminals of all power supplies to the same (preferably brown) wire, and “Neutral” terminals to the other (preferably blue) wire.

但在激光灯内部接线时请一定要有火线和零线分开的概念,总是把火线和零线用不同颜色的线区分开来连接,最好 按国际标准区分火线为棕色,零线为蓝色。

The main issues raised in the document include (a) whether unauthorised file sharing of copyright works and/or unauthorised downloading should be criminalised; (b) whether protection of copyright

[...] [...] the public should be made technology neutral, rather than being tied to certain [...] [...]

(c) what role online service providers (OSPs) should play in combating internet piracy; (d) whether legislation should be introduced to facilitate copyright owners in taking civil actions against online infringement; (e) whether statutory damages should be introduced into the copyright law; and (f) whether the existing scope of copyright exemption for temporary reproduction of copyright works should be expanded.

[...] 主要議題包括:(a)未獲授權而分享版權作品檔案及/或未獲授權而 下載的活動,應否納入刑責範圍;(b)應否制訂科技 中立的 措施 ,為 傳送給公眾的版權作品提供保護,而非只保護透過某些模式傳送的 版權作品;(c)互聯網服務供應商( [...] [...]

應扮演什麼角色;(d)應否立法協助版權擁有人對網上侵權行為提出 民事訴訟;(e)應否在版權法例引入法定損害賠償;以及(f)應否擴大 現時的版權豁免範圍,為暫時複製版權作品的作為提供豁免。

Public schools may also teach the general history of religions

[...] and ethics in a neutral and objective way.

公立学校也以中立和客观的方 式教授一般的宗教历史和 道德知识。

power tower its shape is generally divided into: the wine glass type, cathead type, font, stem fonts and five bucket Purpose: Strain tower, straight line


tower, angle tower, transposition

[...] tower(tower replacement wire phase position), [...]

terminal tower and across the tower, the


structural features of the tower are space truss structure, the rod is composed mainly by single equilateral angle or combination of angle iron, material generally used Q235 (A3Fboth) and Q345 (16Mn), the connection between the rod crude bolt by bolt shear connection, the whole tower angles, connecting steel plates and bolts, the individual components, such as tower leg by a few pieces of steel plate welded into a combinationparts, hot dip galvanized anti-corrosion, transportation, and construction is extremely convenient.

电力塔按其形状一般分为:酒杯型、猫头型、上字型、干字型和桶型五种,按用途分有:耐张塔、直线塔、转角塔 、换位塔( 更 换导线相位位 置塔 )、终端塔和跨越塔等,它们的结构特点是各种塔型均属空间桁架结构,杆件主要由单根等边角钢或组合角钢组成 ,材料一般使用Q235(A3F)和Q345(16Mn)两种,杆件间连接采用粗制螺栓,靠螺栓受剪力连接 ,整个塔由角钢、连接钢板和螺栓组成,个别部件如塔脚等由几块钢板焊接成一个组合件,因此热镀锌防腐、运输 和施工架设极为方便。

These objectives might best be served by a general convention, which would make it possible to preserve a maximum of the


peace-time status quo, to restore such a status speedily, and to protect the

[...] rights of individuals from neutral States.


[...] 限度地维持一个和平时期的现状,迅速恢复这样的状况,并且保 护 来自 中 立 国家 的个人权利。

The framework defines broad benchmarks that enable me to assess whether: (a) a secure environment exists during the period leading to the elections and allows for the full participation of the population and the candidates in the process; (b) the electoral process is inclusive; (c) all candidates have equitable access


to State-controlled media and whether the

[...] latter remain neutral; (d) the voters [...]

lists are credible and accepted by all parties;


and (e) the results of the elections are determined through a transparent counting process and are accepted by all or are challenged peacefully through the appropriate channels.


选举前阶段的环境是否安全,是否让民众和候选人全面参与选举进 程;(b) 选举进程是否具有包容性;(c)

[...] 所有候选人是否都能公平利用国家控制 的媒体,后者是否保持中立;(d) 选举名 单是否可信,是否得到所有各方的接受; [...]

(e) 选举结果是否通过透明计票程序决定,是否得到所有各方的接受,或通过适


Our aim is for the long-term cost of smoothing to be broadly neutral across generations of policyholders.

我们的目标 是将投资收益长期的波动对各代投保人所带来的影响减至最低。

Concerning climate neutral actions at UNESCO, [...]

the 2010 green house gas emissions (GHG) survey showed drops of 15.2% in air


emissions and 27% in buildings and surface travel-related emissions compared to 2009 (but underlying flight numbers excluding Brazil were still rising).

至于教科文组织的气候中和行动,2010 年温室气体排放(GHG)调查显示,与 [...]

2009 年相比,空中排放下降了 15.2%,建筑物和地面旅行排放下降了 27%(但巴西除外的基本飞 行数据仍在上升)。

[...] the long-term cost of smoothing to be broadly neutral across generations of policyholders.

总的来说,我们的目标是在代代保单持有人中摊平 长期投资成本。

The absence of a firm position on the part of the Commission, which intentionally opted for a neutral solution that was acceptable to everyone, far from resolving the problem, created others that should be resolved [...]

in the Guide to Practice.

委员会不采取坚决立场而自 愿选择一种中立的、大家可以 接受的解决办法,不但远不能解决问题,反而造成其他问题,对于这些问题, 《实践指南》应加以处理。

It was a neutral, non-selective mechanism, [...]

with no double standards.

这是个中立的、没有选择性 的、不搞双重标准的机制。

It attached particular importance to nuclear waste management and the environmental effects of radiation and viewed as promising opportunities the disposal or downgrading of weapons-grade material, conversion of reactors, gradual securing or


elimination of highly enriched uranium stockpiles and promotion of a multilateral,

[...] cost-effective, politically neutral fuel cycle.

它特别 重视核废物管理和辐射对环境的影响,并且认为, 处置或降级武器级材料、反应器转换、逐步保证高

[...] 浓缩铀库存的安全或消除高浓缩铀库存,以及促进 多边化的具有成本效益和政治中立的 燃 料循 环,是 一些充满希望的时机。

The toner based on BELSIL® DMC 6038 and HDK® T 30 is suitable

[...] for oily and neutral skin, as the [...]

silylate is capable of absorbing oil and masking


fine wrinkles, making it ideal for oil-controlling and anti-aging products.

[...] 6038和HDK® T 30的化妆水适合油性及中性肤质, 其中 硅石 除了能够吸附油脂,还能掩盖细小的皱纹,是控油及抗衰老产品的理想选择。

(f) As regards the concern raised by the securities sector on the requirements on wire transfers, it should be noted that the requirement was meant to apply to financial institutions which carried out wire transfers on behalf of their customers.

(f) 至於證券界對有關電匯安排的規定提 出的關注,應注意的是,該等規定旨 在向代顧客電匯的金融機構施行,而 不會涵蓋由本身的戶口轉帳金額給顧 客進行結算的金融機構。

Remittance deposits are made through Himbol, a

[...] PFDJ-controlled wire transfer company that maintains offices — both official and unofficial — at Eritrean embassies and community centres abroad, and which uses international wire agencies as agents [...]

汇款存款是通过 Himbol 公司办理,这是人阵 控制的电汇公 司,在厄立特里亚各使馆和国外的社区中心设立了官方和非官方 的办事处,并利用国际电汇机构作为 汇款转账代 理 机构。

Photos with neutral colors may require [...]

adjustments to the Color Threshold or Color Amount values in order to be captured correctly.

具有中性色的照片可能需要调整 “颜色阈值”或 “颜色数量”值才可正确采集。

indirect discrimination shall be taken to occur when an apparently neutral provision, criterion or practice would put persons of a racial or ethnic origin at a particular disadvantage compared with other persons, unless that provision, criterion or practice is objectively justified by a legitimate aim and the means [...] [...]

of achieving that aim are appropriate and necessary.

當一項顯然屬中性的條文、準則或常規會對某一種族或屬某 族群本源的人造成某種較其他人不利的狀況,即視為作出間 接歧視,但若施加該項條文、準則或常規在客觀上是基於合 法目的,而達致該目的的方法是適當和必需的,則屬例外。

Yet while such an objection does not preclude the entry into force of the treaty, it remains neutral on the question as to whether or not the reserving State or organization becomes a contracting State or contracting [...] [...]

organization to the treaty, and does not necessarily result in the entry into force of the treaty as between the author of the objection and the author of the reservation.

然而,虽然这种反对不妨碍条约生效,它在保留国或组织 是否成为条约缔约国或缔约组织问题上是中性的,但并不一定导致条约在反对方 与保留方之间生效。

We welcome the efforts of the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo as it continues to undertake its tasks under the


overall authority of the United Nations and

[...] within the status-neutral framework set [...]

out in resolution 1244 (1999), so as to play


its due role in maintaining peace and stability in this region.

我们欢迎欧盟特派团继续在联合国领导下,并在 安理会第

[...] 1244(1999)号决议确定的保持中立地位的 框架内履行职责,配合联科特派团的工作,为维护该 [...]

A1: In order to ensure the interviewers are not affected by the

[...] [...] above-mentioned factor, our interviewers have throughout the years emphasized that HKU Public Opinion Programme is a neutral research body, and reminded the respondents not to make any decisions based on the fact that we are affiliated to [...]

the University of Hong Kong.

答1:為了確保被訪者不受此因素影響評分,我們的訪員歷年來都在訪問的引言中強調民意研究計劃是 中 立的 研究 組織,並提醒被訪者切勿因為我們屬於香港大學而影響其本意。

In line with the Security Council’s presidential statement of 26 November 2008 (S/PRST/2008/44) and my report of 24 November 2008, the Government of Serbia and a majority of Kosovo Serbs have accepted the deployment of the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) on condition that it would fully respect resolution 1244


(1999) and that it would operate under the overall authority of the United Nations and

[...] within its status-neutral framework.

塞尔维亚政府和大多数科索沃塞族人按照 2008 年 11 月 26 日的安全理事会


主席声明(S/PRST/2008/44)和我 2008 年 11 月 24 日的报告,接受在科索沃部署 欧洲联盟驻科索沃法治特派团(欧盟驻科法治团),条件是它须充分遵守第

[...] 1244(1999)号决议并在联合国的总体领导下,在联合国地 位中 立的 框 架范 围内运 作。

To the extent that copying, particularly on a commercial scale, is driven by the ratio of the selling price to the cost of producing copies, there must be scope for the use of more differential


pricing in developing countries that would

[...] either be revenue-neutral or even revenue-enhancing [...]

for producing industries.

[...] 规模的复制)受出售价格和复制开支之间比率所驱使,发展中国家应该有余地使用对有关 制作业税收中性化,甚至 税收有利的更大差别定价。

It must be stated that, this article has not adopted political terms such as "pan-democracy camp", "institutional camp" or "pro-government camp", but goes back to