以优质银鳕鱼佐以梅菜、黑松露。正宗客家菜风味,鲜嫩爽滑,风味独特,您值得一试。 梅菜是广东地区的客家人最爱的一味食材(如:梅菜肉饼、梅菜蒸扣肉)。它象征了一种传统的客家文化,体现了客家人的创新、包容、热情好客。我们的招牌菜“黑松露梅菜蒸鳕鱼”既包含了传统的梅菜又有新派的黑松露和深海鳕鱼。三种主食材在舌尖的交汇融合,妙不可言。这道菜品像我们的城市深圳一样,开放、包容、创新,热情接纳来自五湖四海的新深圳人。本菜品口感层次丰富,既有梅菜的鲜甜也有黑松露的芬香,配合肥美鲜嫩的深海银鳕鱼,共同呈现了一场魅力非凡的舌尖饕餮。

Check out the menu at Seasons Bistro and explore the popular dishes people are craving! From appetizers to something sweet, take a look at what’s in store for you when you book a table at Seasons Bistro. You can even check out the prices so you know what to expect, besides the flavours.Browse the menu highlights from Seasons Bistro and when your mouth starts to water, so you can get in on the flavour action. Mmmm we’re getting hungry already…