Nitrile gloves中文

这项诉讼最初是2007年提起的,Tillotson在诉讼中就其 丁腈 手 套( Nit rile Glove)技术被 侵权一事寻求损害赔偿,但此案一直处于美国国际贸易委员会(ITC)的调查中,一直未有进展。

Acrylonitrile-butadiene copolymers,

[...] commonly called nitrile rubbers (NBR), are used widely for adhesive compounding, and gloves used for examination [...]

丙烯腈-丁二烯聚合物,一般称为丁腈橡胶 (NBR),广泛用于胶粘复合物以及实验 与 清洁 用 手 套。

There are a number of possible


explanations for this, including contact with

[...] workers if their gloves were contaminated [...]

with the H5 virus and possibly introduction


by air movement, with sentinels serving as the amplifier.

這現象有幾種可能的解釋,包括雞隻與工人受 H5 病毒污染的手套接觸及病 毒可能隨流動的空氣傳入,而哨兵雞 [...]

If non-Graco gloves are worn, cut off fingers or palm area of gloves to ensure your hand [...]

contacts the grounded gun handle.

如果戴的不是 Graco 手套,请 将手套的手指或手掌部位割掉,确保 手与接地的喷枪手柄接触。

Hand washing facilities are available inside the production area, but not at the

[...] [...] sheds and workers do not change clothing or gloves when they move from one shed to another, [...]

after they enter the production area.

雞隻生產區有洗手設施,惟禽舍入口則未有設置 洗 手設 施,工人進入生產區後,無須再換衣 服 或 手 套便 可在 各禽舍之 間走動。

Ultralow-temperature nitrile (Buna C) is available as an option to enhance valve cycle life.

提供选购 件超低温腈 (丁纳橡胶 C)、它可延长阀门 的循环寿命。

In general NBR (Nitrile) or FPM (Fluorocarbon, Viton) is used as seal material for static and dynamic seals.

与密封材料间的兼容性 通常我们使用NBR(丁腈)或FPM(氟橡胶)作为静态和动态密封材料。

Rubber gloves, safety glasses and [...]

a well-ventilated workshop are necessary safety precautions.

应采取必要的安全预防措施,如橡胶手 套、安全眼镜和操作间良好通风。

[...] by wearing rubber gloves and a face mask [...]

while cleaning, and wash your hands after with soap and warm water.

清潔時請戴上膠手套和面罩, 以便保護您自己,之後要 用肥皂和溫水洗手。

(4) The powers conferred by this section to search a person are not to be construed as


authorising a constable to require a person to remove any of his clothing in public other

[...] than an outer coat, jacket or gloves.

(4) 本 條 所 賦 予 的 搜 查 權 力,不 得 被 視 為 授 權 警 員 要 求 某 人 在 公 眾 地

[...] 方 脫 去 大 衣、外 套 或 手 套 以 外 的 任 何 其 他 衣 物 。

[...] ultralow-temperature nitrile have a temperature [...]

rating of –40 to 200°F (–40 to 93°C) and are not certified to AGA, IAS, or ECE R110.

采用超低温腈的阀门的温 度额定值为 –40 至 93°C (–40 至 200°F), [...]

没有 AGA, IAS 或 ECE R110 认证。

Nitrile based rubber specifically formulated for excellent abrasionr resistance in the presence [...]

丁腈橡 胶具有优良的抗磨性能,专为存在油脂和化学物质的环境而配制。

To order valves with optional O-ring materials, add -H for HNBR (hydrogenated nitrile butadiene rubber) or -C for perfluorocarbon FFKM to the valve ordering number.

要订购带选购 O 型 圈 材 料 的 阀 门 ,对 于 HNBR(氢化 丁腈橡胶),请在阀门订购号中添加 -H,对 于 全 氟 碳 化 合 物 FFKM,请在阀门订购号中添加 -C。

The 8″ woofer features a non-pressed long fiber pulp cone and pure nitrile butadiene rubber surround providing necessary stiffness and high reliability and capacity [...] [...]

to withstand the tremendous accelerating force from the motor.

采用非压缩长纤维纸浆纸盆和丁腈橡胶折环的8英寸低音单元,具有坚韧、可靠性强的特点,能承受磁路产生的巨 大加速力。

The extra wide rollers (450mm x


130mmØ) made with anti-acidic, anti-alkaline,

[...] anti-corrosive nitrile (NBR) rubber, [...]

good elastic characteristic and durable life.

[...] 130毫米直徑),防酸、防碱、防腐蚀的丁腈橡胶 ( NBR) ,良 好的弹性及特長壽命。

Wear respirator, gloves, and protective [...]

clothing when using isocyanates.

Finally, a few different medical

[...] supplies such as gloves, bandages, antibacterial [...]

cream like Bactroban or Neosporin, wrap


bandages, gauze, medical tape and alcohol wipes also come in handy with injuries, cuts and bruises.

最后是几种不同的医疗用品,比如手 套、 绷 带、 抗菌霜(如百多邦或抗生素软膏)、绷带卷、纱布、医用胶带和酒精消毒片,在应对擦伤、割伤和瘀伤时也能派上 用场。

According to the application and the type of


adhesive used, precautions vary considerably;

[...] ranging from gloves, glasses and [...]

good ventilation to complex metering and dispensing


equipment coupled to fume and vapour extracting facilities.

根据所用粘合剂类型和施用方法,预防措施也会大 相径庭;包括手套、眼睛和 良好的通风以及耦合至 烟气蒸气拍抽设施的复合计量分配装置。

The following personal safety protection

[...] [...] items are included in the training course price: Protective goggles (also for spectacle wearers where necessary), leather gloves, normal work gloves, and helmet with face protection.

本培训课程费用中包含以下个人防护用具:护目镜(需要时,可与眼 镜一起使用)、皮手套、普通工作手 套及 带面 部保护装置的安全帽。

The sledgehammer-carrying suspect was wearing a black hoodie, gray cargo pants, black and

[...] white sneakers and gloves.

持鐵鎚的疑犯則身穿黑色上衣,灰色卡其褲,黑色球鞋和 穿上 手 套。

But the most outstanding features of


Oris watches date from World War II, when Swiss watchmakers created the big crown

[...] for pilots with thick leather gloves.

而Oris与飞行最显著的关系:乃是自二次世界大战开始,瑞士钟表师 为 戴 手 套 的 飞行 员所 设计的超大表冠飞行腕表。

Wear gloves — wearing cotton gloves while handling photographs [...]

may reduce the oils from your hands getting on the photos


and minimize the amount of dirt and dust that collects in the scanner.

戴上手套 — 处理照片时戴上棉质手套可避 免手上的油脂粘在照片上, 同时将扫描仪内积聚的灰尘和污垢数量减到最少。

The centerpiece is a clear material science, which presents all common seal materials - such as rubber profiles in EPDM, CR (Neoprene) and NBR (Nitrile), FKM (fluoroelastomer) and FKM foam (foam rubber).

的核心是透明材料科學,EPDM,CR(氯丁橡膠),NBR(丁腈橡膠),FKM(氟橡膠)和氟橡膠發泡( 海綿橡膠),其中介紹所有常用的密封材料 - 如橡膠型材。

The various settings progressively increase the size of the keypad, with a setting Maximum causing


the keypad to take up most of the screen for use in situations where, for example,

[...] operators are wearing unwieldy gloves.

[...] 寸,而设置为最大会使键盘占据屏幕的大部分,可在操作员戴 着 厚重 手套 等情况之下使用。

It outperforms chloroprene rubber in heat aging resistance and is a

[...] lower-cost alternative to hydrogenated nitrile rubber.

它抗热老化性能比氯丁二烯橡胶好 ,是氢化 丁 腈橡 胶的 低成本替代品。

[...] steel, Acetal, Nitrile, PTFE, UHMWPE [...]

Diaphragm Pumps (see pump manual) .

. 不锈钢、缩醛、腈、PTFE、UHMWPE 有关隔膜泵请参见泵手册 .

YL Rubber primarily targets on industrial chemicals such as rubber, plastics etc., mainly provides natural rubber (Hainan, Yunnan SCR5 Standard Rubber, YL 2010# Standard Rubber, YL 20# Standard Rubber & RSS3#、STR20、SMR20、SIR20、SVR3L、SVR10#), plastic raw material such as PP, PE, EVA, PVC etc.; synthetic rubber (butadiene rubber and butadiene styrene


rubber which produced by Sinopec & Petro China; import synthetic rubber: brominated butyl

[...] rubber, EPDM, nitrile rubber).

我司成立至今主要经营橡胶、塑料等化工原料为主要的经营项目,主要经营品种有:天然橡胶(海南、云南SC R5标胶、义隆牌2010#天然标准橡胶、义隆牌20#天然标准橡胶及RSS3#、STR20、SMR2 0、SIR20、SVR3L、SVR10#),PP、PE、EVA、PVC等塑料原料;合成橡胶(主要为中 石化、中石油所生产的顺丁橡胶、丁苯橡胶;进口合成橡胶主要以溴化丁基胶、三元乙丙胶、丁腈橡胶);以天然 橡胶、塑料等品种为支柱产品不断展开人民币贸易、美金转口贸易 、一 般贸 易 项下 进出口业务等工贸一体化的业务模式。