均 頭 國中

With the rapid development of globalization and smart technology, our education system really has not advanced accordingly: the classroom 40 years ago is as the same as what it is today, unlike our innovative phones. Fortunately, this year marked the first year of a bilingual education revolution in our education system. It is a message to parents that we are finally realizing the importance of making a change in our way of learning.

Juntou International School of Experimental Education is a school which adapts an international curriculum; and we reinforce our value "Carry out the wisdom from the East to the West; advocate the virtues from ancient times to the present day!" Our curriculum provides the flexibility for our students to develop necessary 21st century skills. Children at Juntou are not only taught to find answers on exams, but to find the process and logic behind life's puzzles. 

Being one of the leaders in international education, JTIS adapts the most advanced practice and curriculum framework to ensure that our children receive a good quality of education. In the rapid development of 21st century, children need a multi-lingual, multi-cultural environment to grow up in. We are not only preparing our children for exams five years from now, but also we are preparing our children to be the best that they can be 10, 20, or even 30 years after they graduate from college. If you share the same values, please come join us at our admissions events. We salute the future generation!

有關劍橋國際 About Cambridge International School

均 頭 國中

均頭國際實驗教育機構是由劍橋大學授權認證的International School,認證號碼為TW068;同時,也是全球劍橋學校社區的成員之一。 在160個國家/地區的10,000餘所學校中,有近一百萬名學生獲得了劍橋課程和資格證書。劍橋的教育為學生的生活做好了準備,幫助他們培養了知情的好奇心和對學習的持久熱情。 劍橋國際課程為教育設定了全球標準,並得到了全球大學和雇主的認可。在美國就有500所大學(含常春藤聯盟的大學)接受劍橋課程的成績。 劍橋的課程靈活,富有挑戰性和鼓舞人心,學生們還能獲得了在大學和未來職業中取得成功所需的基本技能。劍橋課程將重點放在深入掌握科目,學習未來工作的發展技能上。 劍橋重視深入的學科知識以及有助於學生在學科的不同方面之間建立聯繫的概念理解。 我們還鼓勵學生發展更高層次的思維能力-解決問題,批判性思維,獨立研究,合作和提出觀點。 這些是可以轉移的技能,將持續一生,為學生的未來生活做好準備,使學習變得愉快而有意義。

JTIS is a registered Cambridge international school. Our school code is TW068. A Cambridge school is part of a global community. Cambridge programmes and qualifications are taught to almost a million learners, in over 10,000 schools, across 160 countries. A Cambridge education prepares students for life, helping them develop an informed curiosity and a lasting passion for learning. Schools can shape a Cambridge curriculum around how they want their students to learn, helping them discover new abilities and a wider world. Cambridge students develop the skills they need to achieve at school, university and work. Cambridge programmes combine an emphasis on mastering subjects in depth with the development skills for study and work in the future. We value deep subject knowledge as well as the conceptual understanding that helps students make links between different aspects of a subject. We also encourage students to develop higher order thinking skills - problem solving, critical thinking, independent research, collaboration and presenting arguments. These are transferable skills that will last a lifetime, preparing students for their future lives. They also make learning enjoyable and rewarding.

校園活動 Our News


  • 產業類別 : 中學教育事業
  • 公司位置 : 南投縣埔里鎮水頭路48號
  • 公司電話 : 
  • 公司傳真 : 
  • 公司網址 : http://www.jtjhs.ntct.edu.tw


本校為佛光山星雲大師所創辦,配合大師推展文化教育的宏願,作育英才,造就青年學子成為國家棟樑、社會典範,以造福國家。 本校每一項教育措施,每一種教育活動,均以學生的多元智慧為基礎、完全學習為歷程、全人發展為目標,引領每一位學生邁向卓越、成功的人生。

佛光山星雲大師「以教育與文化弘揚佛法」的理念,開辦了佛教僧伽教育及社會普通教育,不僅為現代化的佛教造就了僧材,更替國家培育惜福感恩、樂觀積極的人才,為當今社會之學校教育,注入佛教慈悲喜捨與眾生平等的精神。 以教育文化弘法利生是星雲大師畢生的弘願,為落實星雲大師人間佛教的精神,及教育事業往下紮根的理念,「均頭國民中學附設國小部」,以全方位的教育配合豐富的課程,創新的教學方法,優良的師資,人文教育的涵養,及一流的現代化教育設備,營建一所融合科技與人文、本土意識與國際宏觀的精緻國中,培養「德、智、體、群、美」五育均衡發展的活潑兒童及健全國民。








