Vella 頸 霜 第 三 代 評價

Last Updated on 2019-05-13 by

最近開始努力學習保養, 網路頸霜使用心得文章不約而同皆有提到小熨斗 Logo 韓國頸霜, 此為自費VELLA 頸霜和VELLA頸膜使用心得文.
Recently, I start to learn how to do skin care, including the neck. Therefore, this article is the review of self-purchased VELLA Neck Cream.

Vella 頸 霜 第 三 代 評價

頸紋產生的原因 Cause of Necklines

年輕不保養, 頸紋會是最容易凸顯年紀的地方, 大家應該都知道產生頸紋的原因不外乎是低頭族, 枕頭過高導致睡姿不正確, 和年輕沒有做好防曬, 聽說肥胖脂肪也是造成頸紋的原因之一, 我可以說是四個都中.
There are four major reasons. First, using cellphone too much would cause neckline. Second reason would be high pillow with wrong sleep gesture. Third reason would be you also need to put sunblock on the neck as well. I heard fat might be the 4th reason of having the necklines.

Vella 頸 霜 第 三 代 評價

Vella 頸 霜 第 三 代 評價

♛ 此為自費保養,美妝, SPA 和 3C 使用心得文章, 而非邀約合作文. 版權所有 © 2019 娜姐 Foodelicious 網站, 圖文非經作者同意, 不得轉載或轉貼

♛ This article is regarding self-purchased Skin Care, Cosmetics, SPA and 3C review instead of promotion article. Copyright © 2019 Foodelicious Website. All Rights Reserved. Please do not post or forward this article without the author's permission. 


Skin Care: Skincare-worthy 保養成效程度  |  Cosmetics: Beauty- worthy 美妝推薦程度 |  SPA: Spa-worthy Spa 舒適程度 | 3C: Money-Worthy 值得購買程度

Vella 頸 霜 第 三 代 評價
娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount

產品名稱: 韓國 Vella青春緊緻無痕頸霜
容量: 50ml
品牌產地: 韓國
購物地點: 小三美日網站
價格: NTD $499
備註: 請知悉不同通路會有不同價格

Product Name: VELLA Neck Cream
ml: 50ml
Brand Origin: Korea
Shopping Location: Website
Price: NTD $499
Remark: Different sales channels have different price

VELLA 頸霜使用心得 VELLA Neck Cream Review

Skincare-worthy 保養成效程度: 👍👍👍

我用的是50ml金色罐裝的VELLA 頸霜 ,Vella 有白色罐裝和黑色罐裝 , 金色罐裝適合 30 ~ 40 歲. VELLA 頸霜是象牙黃, 而非預期地白色, 質地濃稠度就如市面上的晚霜一樣偏厚實, 香味則是淡淡的香草高雅香氣, 而非像歐美品牌的濃烈香水味.
I use 50ml golden container of VELLA neck cream. Vella brand also has white container and black container. The golden container is suitable for 30yrs ~ 40yrs old. VELLA neck cream color is beige instead of white. The texture is just like night cream, which is quite thick. The aroma is similar with Vanilla, unlike other European brand.

Vella 頸 霜 第 三 代 評價

Vella 頸 霜 第 三 代 評價

優點是初次抹在脖子時, 容易推開讓皮膚吸收, 抹一次並不會過於沈重或是黏膩, 我早晚皆會擦頸霜, 早上只抹一次頸霜,以輕盈為主,出門前再擦防曬. 我晚上洗完澡後則是抹兩次, 在午夜12點睡覺讓肌膚修補. 明顯成效目前尚未看出來, 但是至少暗沈頸紋有變得較明亮. 缺點是並沒有像網路文章有附刮勺.
The selling points would be it is easy to spread the cream on the neck. The neck skin can absorb the cream easily if applies once. My plan is to use the neck cream in the morning with small amount. Then, I would apply the sunblock on the neck as well. At night after showering, I would apply the neck cream twice and try to sleep before midnight. There isn’t much obvious result. However, the neck line appears to be a bit brighter than before. The down side would that the neck cream doesn’t have small scope as the website article stated.

Vella 頸 霜 第 三 代 評價

Youtube: 頸霜怎麼擦和按摩 How to use Neck Cream and Neck Massage

產品名稱: 韓國 VELLA~青春緊緻無痕頸膜
規格: 5片入
品牌產地: 韓國
購物地點: 小三美日網站
價格: NTD $440
備註: 請知悉不同通路會有不同價格

Product Name: VELLA Neck Patch
Description: 5 pieces
Brand Origin: Korea
Shopping Location: Website
Price: NTD $440
Remark: Different sales channels have different price

VELLA 頸膜使用心得 VELLA Neck Patch Review

Skincare-worthy 保養成效程度: 👍👍

我承認我只是好奇購買 VELLA 頸膜, 嘗試VELLA 頸膜搭配VELLA 頸霜成效會不會更明顯. VELLA 頸膜並不是像面膜般濕潤, 反而有點像撒隆帕斯的黏度, 但並沒有清涼感, 請注意VELLA 頸膜保養需要30分鐘,優點是黏到頸紋時並不會輕易地脫落, 也可以知道正確頸部姿勢. 缺點就是五片用太快, 感覺不到成效就用完, 由於價格較高, 應該不會再購買.
I admit that I purchase this product out of curiosity. VELLA neck patch isn’t like facial mask, which is watery. It is more like a patch without any refreshing touch. Please note that the neck patch would need to stay on the neck for 30 minutes. The upside would be the patch is quite firm and not easy to fall off. However, 5 pieces is easy to use it all. I don’t plan on purchasing again out of budget consideration.

Vella 頸 霜 第 三 代 評價

Vella 頸 霜 第 三 代 評價

Vella 頸 霜 第 三 代 評價