Park 中文

    • 名詞複數:parks

    • 過去式:parked 過去分詞:parked 現在分詞:parking

    • 1. 公園;遊樂場 This city has many beautiful parks. 這城市有許多美麗的公園。
    • 2. 停車場 There's a car park over there. 那兒有個停車場。
    • 3. 運動場,競技場
    • 4. 【英】(鄉間宅邸的)大庭園

    • 1. 停放(車輛等) Don't park the car on this street. 別把汽車停放在這條街上。
    • 2. 【口】放置,寄放[O] Can I park my luggage here? 我可以把行李存放在這兒嗎?

    • 1. 停放車輛 He parked behind his house. 他把車子停放在房子後面。

    • 青年公園 How did the students go to Youth Park? By bus. 這些學生如何去青年公園的?坐公車。 Are there tall trees and beautiful flowers in Youth Park? 青年公園有高大的樹和美麗的花嗎?

2021年10月13日,万态保育集团宣布裕廊飞禽公园在万礼的继承者将被命名为“Bird Paradise”,[3][4]中文名则为“新加坡飞禽公园”[5]。2023年1月3日,裕廊飞禽公园于傍晚6时50分许正式停业,这天同时也是公园开业52周年纪念日[6]。




2006年,裕廊飞禽公园完成了耗资1000万新元的改造工程。升级后,公园增加了一个新的入口广场、一家由公园持有和管理的“Bongo Burgers”快餐厅、一家冰淇淋店、一家礼品店和一家飞禽专科医院。[12]

公园内的鸦片山31K有一座黑白殖民地平房,过去为仅用来容纳英国陆军高级军官的住所,后被改建为二战战争博物馆,称为鸦片山岗战役纪念馆,以纪念战争及参战者。原先该处有两个小于该纪念馆的小型平房,但为建造公共停车场,这两座平房在1987年被拆除。 博物馆外有三个真人大小的雕像和一块牌匾,以纪念英军马来兵团与遇难者的生命[8]。

肯特岗公园、拉柏多自然保护区和战争博物馆是巴西班让历史区(英语:Pasir Panjang Historic District)的一部分,该区主要关注新加坡西部在第二次世界大战期间的战役[7]。它们与圣淘沙的西乐索炮台和福康宁的地下指挥中心一样, 使人牢记新加坡现代历史中的重要篇章。在山顶附近,有一处纪念性遗产标记,标记了1942年巴西班让战役的战斗地点[2]。

为了支持国家公园局的“认养公园”(英语:Adopt-a-Park)计划,新加坡陆军“认养”该公园为陆军绿色公园(英语:Army Green Park),因此公园拥有一些由国防部捐赠的已退役的新加坡陆军军事装备,其中包括两架WW2 105毫米野战榴弹炮和一辆AMX-13轻型坦克[9]。这些装置一直陈列至2015年12月。


Hutchings became the new park guardian.

Take your children to the park?

This family-run hotel has a private underground park

30 August 2017 Partteams digital information drives park Portugal for the Little Ones

2017年8月30日 Partteams数字信息推动园区葡萄牙小家伙

Spacious room overlooking the beautiful park.

Head 110 miles south-southwest of the park entrance.

The park also contains a 1668 chalet.

Sarrià has a diverse residential park.

Can a faith park enjoy state tax incentives?

(four) major city square and park construction project

Patio garden and a 20,000-square-meter private park.

庭院式花园和一个 20,000 平方米的私人公园。

Extensive park system and natural lakes for outdoor recreation

The park offers an exceptional endemic faunistic and floristic diversity.

Chatting senior mother and adult daughter walking in park.

Check park hours before your visit.

Schréder developed a lighting concept for the renovated park.

Pale skin trailer park SSBBW takes on dark BBC

淡 皮肤 拖车 公园 ssbbw 需要 上 黑暗 英国广播公司

Copyright Jiangxi poyang lake wetland park tourism developme

The residential park of Pedralbes has different types of properties.

airport, park and place for holding events


A park is an area of open space provided for recreational use. It can be in its natural or semi-natural state, or planted, and is set aside for human enjoyment or for the protection of wildlife or natural habitats.

a large area of land with grass and trees, usually surrounded by fences or walls, and specially arranged so that people can walk in it for pleasure or children can play in it


Central Park 中央公园

Hyde Park 海德公园

We watched the joggers in the park. 我们在公园里看别人慢跑。

an area of land that is used for a particular purpose


an office/a business park 办公/商业园


an area of land for playing sports on



an area of land around a large house in the countryside


  • If the weather's nice we could have a picnic in the park.
  • He's jogging round the park every morning in an effort to get fit for the football season.
  • I let the dogs run free in the park.
  • What I like about Cambridge is that there's so much open space - there are parks and commons everywhere.
  • The children enjoy floating their boats on the pond in the park.



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A2 [ I or T ]

to put a vehicle in a place where it can stay for a period of time, usually while you leave it


Where have you parked? 你把车停在哪儿了?

Just park your car in the driveway. 就把车停在车道上吧。

[ T + adv/prep ] informal

to put yourself or something in a particular place for a long time, often annoying other people


He parked himself in front of the TV and stayed there all afternoon. 他在电视前一坐就是一下午。

She's parked an enormous pile of papers on my desk and I haven't a clue what to do with them. 她把一大堆文件堆在我桌子上,我根本不知道该拿它们怎么办。

[ T ]

to not deal with something or answer a question immediately but leave it for a later time


Can we park that question until the end of the session? 我们可以把那个问题留到会议的最后吗?

  • Cars were parked all along the road.
  • I usually park at my friend's house.
  • an illegally parked car
  • She parked herself in front of the computer and started playing games.
  • It's an offence to park on double yellow lines.


park the bus


park up

(park在剑桥英语-中文(简体)词典的翻译 © Cambridge University Press)



The negative effects on the park's fauna and flora can be shown to be small.

来自 Cambridge English Corpus

The values that tourists might derive from visiting the parks are the use and non-use values.

来自 Cambridge English Corpus

Promenade concerts had a petit bourgeois character, catering to a taste developed in cafes, taverns, parks and pleasure gardens.

来自 Cambridge English Corpus

With public squares, parks and avenues effectively surrendered to the worm, summer in the city became unbearable.

来自 Cambridge English Corpus

In addition, car parks for containers were targetted in several locations.

来自 Cambridge English Corpus

Across the nation windowless inward-turning shopping malls are surrounded by moat-like parking lots.

来自 Cambridge English Corpus

The first choice is the current system, which includes some restrictions on input use and cultivation practices, in order to fulfil the park's environmental regulations.


