Idiom 中文

Serious students of music must familiarize themselves with the literature and idiom of all the important composers.


Frequentative words are an important part of English idioms.This paper mainly analyses the structure,language function and language features of frequentative words.


  1. Under the weather


◎用法:英國的天氣多變,所以當地人用的英文很多都跟天氣有關。當你聽到有人說:I am feeling under the weather(我好像生病了),你應該要回答:I hope you feel better(我希望你趕快好起來)。下次聽到這個idiom,千萬不要以為,別人是因為下雨要跟你借傘喔!

  1. The ball is in your court


◎用法:看到英文的慣用語,通常不能照字面上來翻譯。這一句The ball is in your court和運動並沒有關係,而是用在「生活上」。當你得到球時,你就掌握了決定權,當別人和你說這句話時,代表他們在等你的決定,或是他們對你的想法不打算表達意見。

  1. Spill the beans


◎用法:如果你的朋友不小心告訴你,他們私下為你準備了生日派對,這時他們就已經spilled the beans(把秘密洩露出來)了。

常用的慣用語還有let the cat out of the bag,都是同樣的意思。

  1. Break a leg



平常我們在祝別人好運時,都會豎起大拇指,說一句Good luck,而這個Good luck 就是我們在這裡要教你的Break a leg。

很久以前,有一個成功的表演家在演出之後一直鞠躬道謝,因此他差點連腿都斷了。但就是因為腿都快斷了,演出才能成功,在這之後Break a leg就變成了「祝某人好運」的意思。

  1. Pull someone’s leg


◎用法:如果你是一個非常愛開別人玩笑的人,一定要記住這個字!Pull their leg 和 wind someone up的意思都有「作弄別人、開玩笑」的意思。例句為:Relax, I am just pulling your leg(放輕鬆點,我只是在和你開玩笑),或是Wait, are you pulling my leg?(慢著,你在跟我開玩笑嗎?)

我們平常都很喜歡說Are you kidding me?大概就是這個意思了!

  1. Sat on the fence


◎用法:fence是柵欄的意思,如果你坐在柵欄上(sat on the fence),代表你還沒有對某件事情做出決定。例句:I am on the fence about hot yoga classes.(我還沒決定要不要參加熱瑜珈),這句用較簡單的字彙可以翻譯為I am not sure whether I enjoy yoga in a sauna yet。(我不確定自己會不會喜歡在桑拿裡做瑜珈)。

  1. Through thick and thin


◎用法:這個字大多用來描述家人和好朋友,不管發生什麼事,或好或壞,都會陪伴在彼此身邊。例句:We are the real friends to each other through thick and thin.

  1. Once in a blue moon


◎用法:這個看起來非常漂亮的慣用語,是在於形容「很少發生的事情」。例句:I remember to call my parents from my study abroad trip once in a blue moon.(我在校外教學時很少記得要打電話回家給我的爸媽。)

  1. It’s the best thing since sliced bread


◎用法:sliced bread(切片麵包)是改變英國人生活最偉大的發明,這麼說絕對不誇張!以前的人都還要用力的拿刀切麵包,但在工業革命開始之後,終於研發出可以切麵包的機器,讓當地人的生活變得更便利!英國人愛吃麵包,就跟他們愛喝茶的文化是一樣的。例句:I won the lottery which offered me to travel abroad! It’s the best thing since sliced bread.(我中樂透可以出國玩了,這真的是最棒的事情!)

  1. Take it with a pinch of salt


◎用法:I heard that elephants can fly now, but Sam often makes up stories so I” take everything he says with a pinch of salt”.(Sam跟我說大象會飛,但他常常在編造故事,所以我完全不把他說的話當真。)

  1. Come rain or shine


◎用法:你向別人保證任何事情,在任何天氣或情況下都無法被影響。例句:I’ll be at your football game, come rain or shine.(無論如何我都會去參加你的足球比賽,風雨無阻)

  1. Go down in flames


◎用法:從字面上就可以知道這句話的意思,當事情墜入火坑中,就代表失敗或是發生不好的事。例句:That exam went down in flames, I should have learned my English idioms.(英文考試我考差了,當初我應該多學一些慣用語的!)

  1. You can say that again


◎用法:通常用在「表示同意或贊同」的時候。例如:Camila Cabello is gorgeous !(Camila太漂亮了!)你可以回答:You can say that again(你說的沒錯)

同樣的意思你也可以用:I can’t agree with you anymore.(我沒辦法再認同你更多)意思就是你完完全全同意對方的想法。

  1. See eye to eye


◎用法:這裡我們不是要你一直在比賽中全神貫注,而是當你和別人對到眼睛時(see eye to eye),在西方的社會中通常代表著你「完全同意對方的想法」,當然一個輕輕的點頭或微笑,可以讓對方更了解你的想法喔!例句:I see eye to eye with him(我同意他的想法),同樣的意思可以用I agree with his points.

  1. Jump on the bandwagon


◎用法:別人喜歡做什麼,自己也想跟著做。例句:She doesn’t even like avocado on toast. She’s just jumping on the bandwagon.(她一點也不喜歡吐司夾鱷梨,她這麼做只是為了因應潮流而已)

  1. As right as rain


◎用法:英式英文中有很多跟天氣有關的慣用語,我們經常抱怨下雨,但這個As right as rain是一個正面的句子。今天如果有人問你:Is everything okay?(一切都還好嗎)你可以回答:I am as right as rain(我一切都好)意思就跟I am perfect 是一樣的意思喔!

  1. Beat around the bush


◎用法:當你想要避免別人所問的問題,開始說一些毫無相關的事,不敢真正的表達想法時就會用到這個字。例句:It seems like you are trying to beat around the bush. What happened?(看來你好像一直拐彎抹角不談這件事,到底怎麼了?)

  1. Hit the sack


◎用法:這個字的用法很簡單,外國人也經常會用到這個字。例句:I’m exhausted, it’s time for me to hit the sack!(我累了,是時候該上床睡覺了)

  1. Miss the boat


◎用法:當你錯失機會,或是作業繳交期限到的時候,就可以用到這個字。例句:I forgot to apply for that study abroad program, now I’ve missed the boat.(我忘記申請出國留學的課程了,現在一切都來不及了)

  1. By the skin of your teeth


◎用法:Phew, I passed that exam by the skin of my teeth!(我剛剛非常勉強得通過那個考試)某些事情你差一點就沒辦法完成,但最終還是勉為其難的做到了,就能用到這一個字!

Totally restored in during the 1990’s the house now is the shelters the Jorge Amado Museum, idealized to


preserve and study the work of one of the most important writers of Brazil – which was

[...] translated to more than 49 idioms.

[...] AMADO博物馆,保存研究最重要的巴西作家之一的作品,它被翻译成 49多 种 语 言。

[...] slogans are more willing to use ancient idioms.

But the world could certainly benefit

[...] [...] community-driven and community-sanctioned set of practices, idioms and style prescriptions for Ruby programming.


From innovative idioms like local toolbars [...]

and menus used in the folder comparison window through state-of-the art graphic


design and window animation, to the ability to customize anything from fonts and colors to tab positions and shortcut keys, DeltaWalker showcases a commitment to the highest standards of user interface design.

不论是在文件夹对 比窗口中,通过最先进的图形设计和窗口动画,使用像本地工具栏和菜单这样的创新习语,还是自定义字体、颜色 、标记位置和快捷键的能力,DeltaWalker都向大家展示了其用户界面设计的最高标准。

I would like to describe the phenomenon of Members talking less about infrastructure projects with an English idiom, "No news is good news".

議員少談基建工程這現象,我想以一句英文 句 子描 述,便是“No news is good news”,意即“沒有新聞就是好消息”。

As a Chinese idiom goes, "A worm that lives only in summer has no knowledge of ice." Perhaps rich persons can never understand the suffering of the grass-roots [...] [...]

people or how significant this several hundred dollars is to their life.

真的是“夏蟲不可以語冰”,或許有錢人對基層市民的苦楚,以及一千 數百元對他們生活上的重要,他們是無法瞭解的。

Now that the Central Government has satisfied our

[...] [...] demands and yet, some people are like "Lord YE" as in a story of a Chinese idiom who was particularly fond of dragons but was scared when a dragon came to him.

現時, 中央政府滿足了我們的要求,但有些人卻像葉公好龍般,當這條龍來到 時又害怕,怎麼可能是這樣的呢?

In addition to your core classes, you can choose elective classes in Pronunciation, Idioms, TOEFL® Preparation, TOEIC, IELTS and Cambridge Examination Preparation, Academic [...]

and University Skills, Business


English, Creative Writing and American Culture, Theater and Film.

另外对选修课程而言,您可 以选择发音班 , 成 语 班, TO EFL®班,TOEIC班,IELTS班,还有预备考试Cambridge 班,大学的学术班,商务英语班,创 意写作班和美国文化班以及电影班。


