
每次寫英文 email,署名前的結尾卻總只會用 Best regards, 嗎?

一次學會十大 email 結語,讓收件者對你留下好印象!

你知道嗎?其實常見的 Best regards, 這個結語其實並不適用每封英文 email。跟據收件者身分和信件目的,結尾其實也有不同說法。

現在就來看看十大常用 email 結語吧!



1. Sincerely (yours),

Sincerely (yours), 中文要表達的是「真誠、誠摯之意」。這個用法在法務相關信函或是商業合作洽談信件中很常見,通常是在跟對方不熟的情況下使用,傳達保守但不失專業的態度。 

2. Warm/Best regards,

Warm regards, 和 Best regards, 常可以互換使用,在正式信件中為「謝謝您」的意思,向收件者傳遞友善親和的態度。

3. With gratitude/sincere appreciation,

這句結語的中文是「非常謝謝」的意思,針對初次商業合作提議的信件內容,或者初次聯繫對方的狀況下,在詳述完來信的用意後,寫上 With sincere appreciation,,來再次感謝對方花時間看完你的信件或提議,非常適用又不失禮貌。

4. My best, / Best,

My best, 中文可譯為「祝好」,用在傳遞中規中矩的態度。如果是第一次寫商業信給收件者,為了保持距離與專業的形象,可以在文末加上 My best, 結尾。


非正式商用 email 結語通常用於朋友、平輩或是同事之間。跟關係較熟稔的客戶也可以使用,較正式商用結語少的疏離感。 

1. All the best,

All the best, 譯為中文是「祝一切都好」的意思。無論是工作事項的討論或是朋友間的聯繫,在最後都能加上 All the best, 來祝福對方一切都好。 

2. Best wishes, 

相信大家對 Best wishes, 都不陌生吧!我們經常在節慶賀卡上看到,中文直譯是「最好的祝福」,也就是希望收件人能夠事事順心。 用在商業書信情境,就有表達問候之意。如果用膩了 All the best,,不妨改用 Best wishes, 向收件人傳達你的關心吧!

3. Yours (truly),

Yours, 與 Sincerely yours, 最大的差異在於少了給人距離感的 sincerely,因此也比較適用於朋友或關係較好的同事。適時地使用 Yours 可以拉近彼此的關係,例如寫信給一位長期合作且關係良好的商業客戶時,在信末加上 Yours, 可以讓對方知道你非常重視這段夥伴關係。 



1. Take care, 

Take care, 有希望對方「好好照顧自己」的含義,在寫信給朋友或家人時比較常用,算是偏口語化的用法。Take care, 除了表達關切之意,又不失禮貌,做為私人信件的結語非常實用。

2. Warmest,

Warm 是「溫暖」的意思,warmest 則表示「最溫暖的」,可以延伸為 「溫暖的祝福」。在寫信給不常見面的朋友或是久久見一次面的親屬,都可以加上 Warmest, 來表達誠摯的關心與祝福。

3. Cheers,

Cheers, 是另一個口語化的用法,帶點輕鬆的口吻。當收件者是親近的朋友、平輩或同事時,便可以使用帶有「祝一切順利、給予鼓勵或打氣」的 Cheers, 作結。值得注意的是,cheers 屬於英式英文,在英國、澳洲、紐西蘭等國比較常用。如果收件對象來自上面這三個國家,便可以在信末加上 Cheers,,表達祝福也藉機拉近關係。

原來有這麼多種 email 結尾詞!

看完這篇,下次寫 email 可以試著用別的結尾詞看看,別再用 Best regards, 了!


�����װ������ѣ����ǵ����ǵ�Լ�����ҳ�ŵ��һᾡ���������ż���β�����Ƿ��������������ּ����ˣ���ĺܿ��ģ��й��о�Ż����С���ʼ���ա����������Ǽ�Ȼ����Ư���Ŀ�ͷ����ȻҲ��������һ�������㾦�Ľ�βѽ��������������һ����������д���ҵ�ʮ�˷��ʼ��Ľ�β(closing statements)����ҷ����������˼�Ҫ�ķ��������ۣ�����ɫ������ֵ�û��������Ĵʻ�;��͡���ϵ�ϣ������ܴ��������ջ�

����1. OK, I'd better quit now

����so you don't have to spend the whole day reading my message��

����I look forward to hearing more from you��

����Take care��


�����ҵ�����ÿ�θ���д�ʼ����ǡ�����ֱ����ǧ�ߡ��������ڲŷ�Ӧ����ԭ���ҵ��Ķ�������������ѵ�������ģ�)����˵ʵ�����Һ�ϲ��������д�Ķ�������д�Ķ���ȷʵͦ��Ĭ���Ҿ���һ�������ڵ���ǰһ�߶��ʼ�һ�߹�����Ц������˵so you don't have to spend the whole day reading my message˵�����ܡ����¡��ң����Բ�˵�����뿪�ˣ�Ҫ��Ȼ��һֱ��ôд��ȥ����һ����ҲʲôҲ�������ˣ�����ʼ��ˡ���ʵ�Ҿ��������Ľ��������Ѿ�û��ԭ����ζ���ˣ������û�����Ӣ�ĵ�˼άȥ������е���Ĭ�ɣ�

����2. That's all I can think of for now.  I'll close with another email hug.  Take good care of yourself��


��������˵�����д���������ô�����أ���Ȼ����һ��email hug hug��ӵ������˼����������email hug Ӵ����ô����������ɣ�

����3. I really enjoy conversing with you, and it will be fun to talk more often��

����Take care, and good luck��


�����ڽ�β�������̸���ܿ��ģ�����enjoy conversing with �� converse ����ʴ��Ӧ�ú�����ɣ�������������conversation�Ķ��ʣ���������ƽʱ�õ��٣��������ǵö�ѧѧnative speaker�ĵص��ôʰ���)

����4. I look forward to hearing from you again.  Best wishes in your job search, and best wishes to you and your family��

����Warmest regards,


��������һ���ܳ���Ľ�β�����������õ�ףԸ������Warmest regards�����ڿα��Ϻ���ѧ����Ӵ��һ������ֻ֪��Best wishes ������Best regards��

����5. I guess I will quit writing now.  I look forward to hearing from you again very soon. 

����Best wishes,


������һ�ο�����quit, Ӧ�ò�İ���ˡ�ѧ����ô�����������Ҫ��β�˾Ϳ���˵quit writing��

����6. Please write again soon. 

����Best wishes,




����I wish you the very best in the coming year.  I will talk to you more soon��



����8. I need to get to work, so I'll write more later.  I look forward to hearing from you again soon. 


����look forward to doing �������dz���Ҫ������Ҫ�Ǻ�ʵ�ã����Һܳ��á�

����9. OK, that's all for now.  I've got to get some things done before going to work with Santa again today.  I'll talk to you soon. 



����10.I guess that's all for now.  I hope you will write again soon.  Hearing from you is always a highlight of my day��

����Take care!


������һ��I guess�Եú���Ȼ�����ǵ�highlight ��������������ż���ͷ�м���������˼�ǡ���ʵIJ��֡��������Ҳ����д��������ѣ�������/���յ�������������һ������ʵġ�����Ҫ���£���ô���������һ����dz��Ŀ��ģ����԰ɣ�)

����11. Do you get just as much or more celebrating at the beginning of the Chinese New Year?  Anyway, best wishes and good health to you for the New Year��

����I better get to work now.  I'll talk to you again soon��

����Take good care of yourself. 



����12. If you want to talk more about this controversy, let me know��

����I look forward to hearing from you again.  Take care��


������If you want to talk more about��let me know������������һ������������һ�εĻ��⾡�����������Ϊijһ���������һ���Dz������ġ�

����13. OK, it's kind of late, so I'll quit for now.  I have to go to bed to ensure enough sleep��

����I hope to hear from you agan soon. 

����Take care��


����OK, it's kind of late���Ҿ������ֽ�β��ʽ�����ˣ�����������ԣ���Ϊ�����˯�ߵ�Ȼ�Ƿdz���Ҫ�ġ�Kind of ����˼�ǡ���һ�㡰

����14. Well, it's now 1:30 a.m. here, so that means it's 4:30 p.m. in Beijing.  I need to go to bed so I will be rested for another day��

����Take care!  Ben


����15. Let me know if you have more questions for better understanding of our humor. I can help you with your training, particularly with the humor.  That is something I'm good at��

����Take care. 


�����ҵ����Ѿ�������ܿ�������Let me know if you�������ķ�ʽ�����Ƿ���Ҫ����İ����ȡ��ҵ�Ȼ��ץסһ�л��������������Ϊ�ʵ�Խ�࣬�����Ƕ��˽⵽�Ķ�����Խ������

����16. OK, that's it for the moment. I'll be looking for a message from you tonight, I hope��

����Take care!


��������û��ֱ��˵I hope you can write to me tonight, ���Ǻ�ί���˵I'll be looking for a message from you�������ּ�ӵ����ϣ����Ҫ��ı��﷽ʽ����ӱӴ�����е㲻¶�ۼ�����˼����һ�����Կ���)

����17. Well, since I don't have much to respond to this time, and since I have to get up early in the morning, I'll quit for now.  I hope you had a good time with your friend. 

����Talk to you soon. 


��������������since (��ԭ��)��������ʼ����Ͼ�ţ�����ȻҲ�����С�

����18. OK, that's all for now.  I need to get a little sleep before I go to the airport.  Talk to you soon��


��������get a little sleep �õúܺã���sleep �������ã����Ҵ��䶯��get, ���Էḻ���ǹ�ȥ��һ�ı���磺I need to sleep for a while. �Ա�һ�£���һ��������һЩ�أ�)


