
Are you experiencing a blue screen error, audio error, connectivity issues, or even a DRIVER CORRUPTED EXPOOL error? It's likely one or more of your drivers are corrupted. Corrupted, broken, missing, and old drivers on Windows can trigger various problems on your system.

Unfortunately, this can also make the device it controls become unusable or cause it to crash. Therefore, it is crucial to fix a corrupt driver as soon as you detect it to prevent your computer from malfunctioning. Here are some ways to fix corrupt drivers in Windows 10.

Windows 10 automatically updates your drivers through the updates it rolls out. However, some updates can cause problems to your driver, causing them to malfunction. In some cases, manually updating the corrupted driver can fix the problem. Here's how:

  1. Press and hold Windows + R keys to open the Run dialogue box. Type devmgmt.msc and click OK to open the Device Manager menu.
  2. Check the drivers' list and expand the list if necessary. Look for the driver that has a yellow question mark. This mark indicates which device has a broken or corrupted driver.
  3. Once you find the corrupted driver, right-click on it and select Update driver from the context menu.
  4. Windows will automatically search for this driver online and install any compatible updates for the device.

If the latest version of the driver isn't installed on your computer yet, updating it manually usually fixes the problem. However, if there are no available updates, continue to the next fix.

2. Reinstall Drivers

If your driver is already updated and still corrupted, reinstalling it can sometimes do the trick. Follow the steps below:

  1. Press and hold Windows + R keys to open the Run dialog box. Type devmgmt.msc and click OK to open the Device Manager menu.
  2. Look for the corrupted driver and right-click on it. Then, select Properties from the menu.
  3. On your driver's properties, go to the Drivers tab and take note of the "Driver Version." You will need this information later to download the driver from your computer manufacturer's website.
  4. Next, click Uninstall Device to remove the driver from your system.
  5. After uninstalling your driver, go to your OEM's website, look for the driver version you noted and download it.
  6. Install the driver and restart your PC.

3. Run Windows Troubleshooter

If you find the manual process of fixing corrupt drivers tedious, the Windows troubleshooter tool is perfect for you. The tool located in the Control Panel helps users troubleshoot some of the most common problems found in Windows 10.

Through this tool, Windows will automatically download or fix broken, missing, or corrupted drivers in your device. Here's how to use it:

  1. Press and hold the Windows + R keys to open the Run dialog box. Then, type control and click OK to open the Control Panel.
  2. On the Control Panel, change the view to Large icons.
  3. Next, select Troubleshooting from the menu.
  4. Click View all from the left side menu.
  5. From this list, identify the problem you're currently experiencing and click it. This will run the troubleshooter.
  6. From the popup window, click Next, and Windows will automatically detect the problem and fix it.

4. Scan Your System for Any Virus Using Windows Security

Corrupted drivers are sometimes the result of malware on your computer. If you have a habit of downloading files from disreputable sites, you're putting your system at risk. These files could be infected by viruses and may interfere with your drivers, affecting some of the components of your computer.

Fortunately, Microsoft has a built-in security tool that allows you to find and remove malicious and corrupted files from your system. This will enable you to obliterate the cause of the problem, so you won't have to keep fixing your corrupted drivers. Here's how you can use it:

  1. Press and hold Windows + S keys to open Windows Search. Type Windows Security and press Enter.
  2. Click Virus & threat protection.
  3. From this page, click Quick scan. This will scan your system for any threats and remove them from your system. The scan may take a while if your computer has a lot of files and apps.
  4. Once the scan is completed, you can update and install the drivers as mentioned in the first method above.

5. Update Windows 10

If all else fails, a system update can solve the corrupted drivers in your Windows 10. But before you update your system, make sure that the Device installation settings are enabled. This setting ensures that Windows will update all your drivers along with the system updates. Here's how to allow it in your system:

  1. Press and hold Windows + S keys to open Windows Search. Type Device installation settings and press Enter.
  2. A popup window will appear and ask, "Do you want to automatically download manufacturers' apps and custom icons that are available for your devices?"
  3. Choose Yes and click Save Changes.

Also, check optional updates before downloading the latest Windows update. These optional updates carry the required updates for your computer, and installing them may help fix your corrupted drivers. Follow the steps below to check these updates:

  1. Open the Settings app on your system by pressing and holding Windows + I keys.
  2. From Settings, go to Update & Security > Windows Update.
  3. On the right side of this page, click View optional updates.
  4. From this page, check the box underWindows updates and all the relevant driver updates.
  5. Lastly, click Download and install to begin the downloading process. After updating the system, your drivers will also be up to date, fixing any problem.

No More Corrupt Drivers

Corrupt drivers can cause problems to your system and may affect the overall functionality of your device. Drivers help your system communicate with your hardware correctly, and if they are broken or missing, your computer's components may become unusable.

Thankfully, these fixes above can help restore your system's drivers to their normal state, allowing your computer to function at its best.


