Top 17 pastry 中文 2023

Top 1: Mille-feuille - Wikipedia

作者: - 評分 68
描述: Australia/New. Zealand[edit]. Balkan. countries[edit]. Belgium and the Netherlands[edit]. German varieties[edit]. Nordic. countries[edit] . Mille-feuilleMille-feuille. Alternative namesgâteau de mille-feuilles, vanilla slice or custard slice, Napoleon, Napoleon pastry. TypePastry, cake. CourseDessert. Main
匹配搜索結果: 网页A mille-feuille (French pronunciation: , "thousand-sheets"), also known by the names Napoleon, vanilla slice, and custard slice, is a dessert made of puff pastry layered with pastry cream.Its modern form was influenced by improvements made by Marie-Antoine Carême.. Traditionally, a mille-feuille is made up of three layers of puff pastry (pâte … ...

Top 2: Gugelhupf - Wikipedia

作者: - 評分 60
描述: . Gugelhupf. Alternative namesGugelhopf, Guglhupf, Kugelhopf, bábovka. TypeYeast cake[1]. Place of originAlsace, Germany, Austria, Switzerland. Region or stateCentral Europe. Main ingredientsflour, baker's yeast with raisins, almonds and. rosewater.  . Media: Gugelhupf. A Gugelhupf (also Kugelhupf, Guglh
匹配搜索結果: 网页A Gugelhupf (also Kugelhupf, Guglhupf, Gugelhopf, and, in France, kouglof, kougelhof, or kougelhopf) is a cake traditionally baked in a distinctive ring pan, similar to Bundt cake, but leavened with baker's yeast.. There are three main types: cocoa; plain with a hint of vanilla and lemon zest; and a marbled combination of the two. It is popular in a wide region of … ...

Top 3: Berliner (doughnut) - Wikipedia

作者: - 評分 80
描述: International. variations[edit]. John F. Kennedy urban legend[edit] . Berliner PfannkuchenBerliner with plum jam filling. Alternative namesBerliner, Pfannkuchen, Kreppel, Krapfen, Bismarck. TypeDoughnut. Place of originGermany and Central Europe. Main ingredientsYeast dough, marmalade or jam, icing,. powd
匹配搜索結果: 网页In English-speaking countries, Berliners are a type of doughnut [citation needed] usually filled with jam, jelly, custard, or whipped cream [citation needed].In South Australia, however, the Kitchener bun is a Berliner cut on the side for the filling of jam and cream.. In Israel, a version of the pastry called sufganiyah (Hebrew: סופגנייה) is traditionally consumed during … ...

Top 4: 四国化成日本顶级艺术壁材硅藻泥、微水泥、肌理漆

作者: - 評分 98
描述: 项目名称:南京 PLEATS PA EASE. 项目名称:上海BlackStar Pastry . JULUX聚乐士涂壁的素材特征取自大自然最原始的素材,无害与人类无害与地球环境,浓厚的肌理质感营造舒适的品质空间。安心选择JULUX聚乐士涂壁的理由奇迹般改善室内空气质量,备受人们喜爱的功能性壁材。手工涂装工法演示四国化成硅藻泥纯手工打造的每一面墙不仅有强烈的艺术感染力,更是守护健康的一道安全屏障。施工技術 刷毛引き仕上げ刷毛引きの線がはっきりしている刷毛引き仕上げを通じて、壁の表現力を強める臨場感を感じさせる家にたくさんの選択肢を与えるたくさんの趣を与える施工技術 かき落としサークル仕
匹配搜索結果: 网页四国化成工业株式会社成立于1947年,1962年在东京主板上市,以无害于人类无害于地球环境为产品研发理念,其硅藻泥艺术壁材产品自然舒适的风格深受设计师的喜爱。 ...

Top 5: dish中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典

作者: - 評分 156
描述: dish. noun (ATTRACTIVE PERSON) dish noun (FOOD) . 更多範例. Here's a dish I prepared earlier.It. takes a long. time to prepare the dish but the. results are so good that it's worth the. effort.It's a simple dish to. prepare, consisting mainly of. rice and vegetables.I had the the most. expensive dish on the
匹配搜索結果: 网页dish翻譯:容器, 碟子,盤子, 食品, (一道)菜, 有魅力的人, 性感的人。了解更多。 ...

Top 6: Pączki - Wikipedia

作者: - 評分 60
描述: Etymology, spelling and pronunciation[edit]. Explanatory notes[edit]. General and cited sources[edit] . PączekGlazed pączki. Alternative nameskreple, ponchik. TypeDoughnut. Place of originPoland. Region or stateCentral Europe, North America. Main ingredientsYeast-based dough, grain alcohol, confiture or
匹配搜索結果: 网页Description. A pączek is a deep-fried piece of dough shaped into spheres and filled with confiture or other sweet filling. Pączki are usually covered with powdered sugar, icing, glaze or bits of dried orange zest.A small amount of grain alcohol (traditionally rectified spirit) is added to the dough before cooking; as it evaporates, it prevents the absorption of oil … ...

Top 7: Massa folhada – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre

作者: - 評分 94
描述: Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.Doces feitos de massa folhada.Massa Folhada é uma massa leve, não fermentada, feita em. várias camadas com copiosa adição de gorduras (normalmente manteiga, margarina ou gordura vegetal), usado em. doces e salgados. Tem sua origem provável no Egito, à época do I
匹配搜索結果: 网页Massa Folhada é uma massa leve, não fermentada, feita em várias camadas com copiosa adição de gorduras (normalmente manteiga, margarina ou gordura vegetal), usado em doces e salgados.Tem sua origem provável no Egito, à época do Império Novo.Pode servir para fazer muitas coisas como bases para tartes, e muitos mais doces. No Ocidente, seu … ...

Top 8: Tarte Tatin - Wikipedia

作者: - 評分 64
描述: . Tarte Tatin. TypeTart. Place of originFrance. Region or stateCentre-Val de Loire. Created byMain ingredientsApples or other fruits. Cookbook: Tarte Tatin . Media: Tarte Tatin. Caroline and Stéphanie TatinThe tarte Tatin (French pronunciation: ​[taʁt tatɛ̃]), named after the Tatin sisters who in
匹配搜索結果: 网页The tarte Tatin was created accidentally at the Hôtel Tatin in Lamotte-Beuvron, Loir-et-Cher, 169 km (105 mi) south of Paris, in the 1880s. The hotel was run by two sisters, Stéphanie and Caroline Tatin. There are conflicting stories concerning the tart's origin, but the most common is that Stéphanie Tatin, who did most of the cooking, was overworked … ...

Top 9: 神奈川・あざみ野 鉄板料理「あざみ野うかい亭」

作者: - 評分 98
描述: RESERVATIONご予約・お問い合わせ . 当店についてメニュー営業時間・アクセスご予約・お問い合わせLANGUAGEJAPANESEENGLISH簡体中文繁体中文INDEXトップへ戻る当店についてメニュー営業時間・アクセスご予約・お問い合わせうかい総合TOPレストランTOP採用情報企業情報LANGUAGEJAPANESEENGLISH簡体中文繁体中文うかい総合TOPレストランTOP採用情報企業情報LANGUAGEJAPANESEENGLISH簡体中文繁体中文. レストランのご予約インターネットでのご予約お電話からのご予約TEL045-910-5252/span>営業時間平 日 11:
匹配搜索結果: 网页ゆるやかな坂の丘の上にたたずむ、瀟洒な洋館。ひとたび足を踏み入れれば、そこは花と緑に囲まれた優雅な時が流れる美食の世界「あざみ野うかい亭」公式ホームページ ...

Top 10: pastry中文(繁体)翻译:剑桥词典

作者: - 評分 160
描述: . 更多范例. When the pastry is golden and puffed up, take the. pie out of the oven.To make the pastry,. sieve the flour and. salt into a mixing. bowl.When you have rolled out the pastry,. place it in a pie. dish.This will be my second attempt to make. flaky pastry.a pastry brush. (pastry在剑桥英语-中文(繁体)词典的翻译 ©
匹配搜索結果: pastry翻译:油酥糕點;油酥點心, 茶點,點心。了解更多。pastry翻译:油酥糕點;油酥點心, 茶點,點心。了解更多。 ...

Top 11: pastry中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典

作者: - 評分 160
描述: . 更多范例. When the pastry is golden and puffed up, take the. pie out of the oven.To make the pastry,. sieve the flour and. salt into a mixing. bowl.When you have rolled out the pastry,. place it in a pie. dish.This will be my second attempt to make. flaky pastry.a pastry brush. (pastry在剑桥英语-中文(简体)词典的翻译 ©
匹配搜索結果: pastry翻译:油酥糕点;油酥点心, 茶点,点心。了解更多。pastry翻译:油酥糕点;油酥点心, 茶点,点心。了解更多。 ...

Top 12: pastry-翻译为中文-例句英语 - Reverso Context

作者: - 評分 144
描述: 基于您的搜索,例句可能包含粗俗单词。 基于您的搜索,例句可能包含口语词。建议 Professional expertise in bakery, pastry, chocolate and more . 面包、糕点、巧克力和其他食品方面的专业知识 Goos (2002) presents an example involving a pastry dough mixing experiment. Goos (2002). 提供的示例涉及一个糕点面团混合实验。 He even offered me a pastry 他甚至请了我一份点心 I'm afraid I can't offer yo
匹配搜索結果: 在中文中翻译"pastry". 名词. 糕点 · 点心.在中文中翻译"pastry". 名词. 糕点 · 点心. ...

Top 13: pastry - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果

作者: - 評分 89
描述: Shop the AO23 Women’s Performance Collection. Keep Kids Organised with These 10 School Hacks. 夠省電!室外『降溫神器』人造霧▶營造夢幻感 pastryKK[ˋpestrɪ]DJ[ˋpeistri]美式 n.油酥(或其他配料的)麵糰[U];酥皮點心(如餡餅,水果派)[C][U]名詞複數:pastries釋義. 相關詞1. 油酥(或其他配料的)麵糰[U]2. 酥皮點心(如餡餅,水果派)[C][U] She is a good hand at pastry. 她善做糕點。更多解釋贊助. Shop the AO
匹配搜索結果: pastry · 油酥(或其他配料的)麵糰[U];酥皮點心(如餡餅,水果派)[C][U] ; pastry · 油酥麵團;油酥糕點 ; pastry. 麵粉糕餅,餡餅皮 ; pastries. pastry的名詞複數 ; filo ...pastry · 油酥(或其他配料的)麵糰[U];酥皮點心(如餡餅,水果派)[C][U] ; pastry · 油酥麵團;油酥糕點 ; pastry. 麵粉糕餅,餡餅皮 ; pastries. pastry的名詞複數 ; filo ... ...

Top 14: pastry - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)

作者: - 評分 146
描述: . Our two chefs Patrice Dugué and Pascal Pochon and a team of[...] 45 chefs andpastrycooks will use [...]their skills and and experience to make your mealtimes 我们两个厨师帕特里斯Dugué和Pochon帕斯卡尔和45厨师 和 糕点 厨师 团队将使用他们的技能和经验,让您的用餐难忘。
匹配搜索結果: 大量翻译例句关于"pastry" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。大量翻译例句关于"pastry" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ...

Top 15: pastry中文是什么意思 - 查查在线词典

作者: - 評分 82
描述: 音标:[ 'peistri ]  发音:  用"pastry"造句"pastry"怎么读"pastry" in a sentence"pastry"的同义词中文翻译手机版n.1.油酥面;油酥面皮;油酥面馅饼[点心]。2.精制糕点。"at the pastry shop"中文翻译    在点心店"brush for pastry"中文翻译    木柄羊毛扫"choux. pastry"中文翻译    和有鸡蛋的松软面团"cream past
匹配搜索結果: pastry的中文意思:n.1.油酥面;油酥面皮;油酥面馅饼[点心]。2.精制糕点。…,查阅pastry的详细中文翻译、例句、发音和用法等。pastry的中文意思:n.1.油酥面;油酥面皮;油酥面馅饼[点心]。2.精制糕点。…,查阅pastry的详细中文翻译、例句、发音和用法等。 ...

Top 16: 油酥面皮- 维基百科,自由的百科全书

作者: - 評分 121
描述: 油酥面皮,是西点中烘培类食品的一大类。常用的原料有:面粉、白糖、牛奶、黄油、发酵粉、鸡蛋、起酥油等等,通常用来做各种派类及一些甜品。常见的有以下几种: 奶油酥皮(shortcrust. pastry):简称油皮,是最简单也是最常见的面皮。通常用来做批或蛋挞皮,常见的法式咸派就是用此种面皮做的。在法式西点中,甜的称为pate sucrée 咸味的叫做pâte brisée。千层酥皮(puff pastry):简称酥皮,通常由面粉、盐、黄油和水做成。制作过程中翻转折叠很多次。在烘培过程中由于热作用,原材料之间相互反应,加之各层间空气的膨胀,形成很多层次。 flaky pastry和puff past
匹配搜索結果: flaky pastry和puff pastry非常相似。不同的是flaky pastry中加了起酥油。 妃乐酥皮( filo/phyllo pastry):是一种像纸一样薄 ...flaky pastry和puff pastry非常相似。不同的是flaky pastry中加了起酥油。 妃乐酥皮( filo/phyllo pastry):是一种像纸一样薄 ... ...

Top 17: Pastry Making English Chinese: 糕點製作 英文/中文 -

作者: - 評分 173
描述: Brief content visible, double tap to read full content.Full content visible, double tap to read brief content.Dear Reader,I am a former teacher, a former hypnotist, and above all, I am a writer. I live with the painter Pierre Guichard Laeuli, my dear husband for almost half a century ! in sunny
匹配搜索結果: US$4.06 现货Pastry Making English Chinese: 糕點製作 英文/中文 [Scouarnec, Gabrielle] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Pastry Making English Chinese: ...Publication date: December 1, 2019Publisher: ‎Independently published (December 1, 2019)Print length: 71 pagesDimensions: 6 x 0.16 x 9 inchesUS$4.06 现货Pastry Making English Chinese: 糕點製作 英文/中文 [Scouarnec, Gabrielle] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Pastry Making English Chinese: ...Publication date: December 1, 2019Publisher: ‎Independently published (December 1, 2019)Print length: 71 pagesDimensions: 6 x 0.16 x 9 inches ...


