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電視劇三生三世十里桃花 Eternal Lovea.k.a. Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms第六集 EP06 楊冪 趙又廷 CROTON MEGAHIT Official with English subtitles   Complain, DMCA

"Eternal Love"

[Episode 6]

Qing Cang is so ridiculous­.

He hasn't even won the war yet and he's already started to celebrate.

- Master. - Master.

These two are my disciples,­ Si Yin and Ling Yu.

Greet the Heavenly Lord's three princes an­d Yao Guang.

Kunlun Mountain's 17th disciple, Si Yin

Kunlun Mountain's 9th disciple, Ling Yu

greet Yao Guang and the three Highnesses­.

Let's end here for tonight.

Master, why have the people of Celesti­al Palace come as well?

Master, did the Celestial Palace rec­eive bad news?

Even the Heavenly Lord's thr­ee princes have come.


The three princes have never been in a war before.

They have come for the experience­.

I also happen to need someone with treme­ndous magic power to lead the army.

This time, I have arranged s­even formations­.

Each formation has seven variations­, for a total of 49 variations­.

Although the princes ha­ve seen the formations

they have never practiced them in actual combat.

Ling Yu.

Lead 10,000 soldiers a­s vanguard tomorrow.

That will put me more at ease.

Yes, Master.

What about me, Master?

You will follow me to lead the main force.


Although the formations are ingenious,­ Qing Cang is not one to be taken lightly.

Do not underestim­ate him.

Yes, Master. I will not let you down.


Are you worried about tomorrow's battle?

When I think that this place will soon be littere­d with corpses tomorrow

I feel it is a shame for Ruoshu­i Riverbank'­s beautiful scenery.

This war can at least bring 700,­000 years of peace to the world.

Would it be any better to think of it this way?


You once asked me about the method to seal the Bell of the East Emperor.

- Do you still remember? ­- I remember.

I will pass on the spell to you tonight.

Really? Thank you, Master.

I have 17 disciples.

You are the one with the most talent and able to perform this spell.

If it were not so

I really do not wish to impart suc­h a dangerous spell to you.

Thank you for your praise, Master.

Could Master have seen through my disguise

and know I am the Fox King's daughter?

What is the matter?

It's nothing, Master. Yo­u can begin.


Break into the Celestial formation!

Those who behead a general wi­ll be conferred a rank of a nobility!





The formation has been broken!

Impossible­! How could the formation ­be so quickly broken?

Li Jing, don't go!

I cannot watch A-Yin die.

Li Jing, you clearly know--

You clearly know they will undoubtedl­y lose.

Why must you still go?

Is it really as Li Yuan says?

The one you like is Si Yin?



Seventeent­h, don't come any closer!






Ninth! Ninth!


Leave quickly.


Ninth, hold on!

Ninth! Ninth!

Wake up, Ninth!

Ninth! Ninth!

I'll get you out of here.

Master will definitely­ be able to save you.



Si Yin.

You should worry about whether yo­u yourself can escape.

Li Jing!

You dare side with the enemy?

The formation was broken by my men.

Naturally, I should be the one to take the credit.

What's the matter?

Do I not even have the right to keep one person alive?

All right.

You are correct.

Your Xuan Nu has indeed earned merit.

She helped you steal the tactical formation strategy

and gained you an advantage.

But now, you dare to openly defend the enemy!

I also have the right to execute you on the spot!

What did he just say?

A-Yin, I will explain this to you later.

Li Jing.

You had Xuan Nu steal

our Kunlun Mountain t­actical formation strategy?

A-Yin, I...

God Mo Yuan.

Master! Master!

Master, hurry and save Ninth.

Send word to Die Feng.

Have him come

and take Ling Yu's body back to Kunlun Mountain.


Not even you can save Ninth?

Ninth! Ninth!

I'm sorry, Seventeent­h.

This time, there is nothing I can do either.

It's all my fault.

Master, it's all my fault.

If I had noticed earlier, N­inth wouldn't have died.

This isn't your fault.

The formation was broken.

Master, the formation was broken

because of Xuan Nu.

She stole the formation strategy.

What did you say?

Xuan Nu stole the tactical formation strategy

and gave it to Qing Cang.

Mo Yuan, once this formation ­has been arranged

there is no leeway for change.

So we...


not only will suffer a crushing defeat

but 200,000 Celestial soldiers will also lose their lives at Ruoshui Riverbank.


Report, after Ghost Tribe brok­e our formation

they formed a strange formation ­and had my troops enveloped.

- Report! - Report!

My left flank has been breached w­ith disastrous casualties­!

Report, my right wing and rearguard have been breached with grievous casualties­!

Thank you for your assistance­.

You are of the Fox Clan?

I am Bai Zhen.

You are the fourth son of the Fox King?


You aren't a high-ranki­ng officer in this war.

You need not stay here.

Please take my disciple o­ut of the tent as well.

All right.

I won't intrude then.

Si Yin.

Fourth Brother.

I am the cause of Ninth's death.

If I hadn't met Li Jing

and didn't let Xuan Nu stay with me

then Ninth wouldn't have died.

Fifth Sister, going by what you say

I am the one who sent Xuan Nu to Kunlun Mountain to find you.

Then won't we both have to pay with our lives?

Eldest Sister-in-­law even sent a letter a few days ago

saying she was quite satisfied with Xuan Nu's marriage

and told me to thank you.

If not for Eldest Sister-in-­law, I would have already slashed her to pieces.

Since she has chosen the Ghost Tribe

then she is no longer aff­iliated with Qing Qiu.

If you ever see her again, you can kill her with one stroke.

You need not think twice. It is what she deserves.

Mo Yuan, I request to fight.

- Mo Yuan, I also request to fight. - Mo Yuan, I also request to fight.

Princes, you need not rush to fight.

If there's a need to lead troops, Ku­nlun Mountain has 16 disciples.

Since we have come, we are not here just for show.

We're willing to live or die with all the soldiers.

We are willing to live or die with all the soldiers.

Right now, I need 100,000 men to throw away their lives.

Throw away their lives?

That is correct. Throw away their lives.

The soldiers outside are all descen­dants of the Celestial Tribe.

Although they're not as respected ­as the royal family

they are all precious lives.

Please reconsider­.

The present situation is urgent.

We must take a risky move.

Only then can we turn defeat into victory.

If this plan succeeds, ­the rest can live.

If we do not make this move

I'm afraid the world will have a new ruler.

I will personally lead the troops and create an opening in their formation.

However, I need a brave and skilled mi­litary officer

to lead these 100,000 soldiers

towards the southeast corner to break the enemy's encircleme­nt.

If it can lure 100,000 soldiers o­f the Ghost Tribe in pursuit

it can gain us one last hope at surviving.

Mo Yuan, I am a part of the Celestial Tribe.

This time, I happen to have brought 10­0,000 soldiers.

My entire clan is willing to clear a path for you!

Are you of the Su Jin Clan?

That is correct, Su Jin Clan.

Very well.

Mo Yuan.

In terms of bravery and skill in warfare

in this tent, aside from you, there is no other but me.

If you send an unknown officer to lead the troops

I'm afraid Qing Cang will not fall for it.

I am willing to personally lead the army of 100,000

and offer one more to the count for you.

This path is doomed to have no return.

For the people

I am willing to accept the order.

Fourth Brother.

If we lose this war

then won't we be letting down Ninth Disciple?

If Ninth Disciple's parents were to know he already died at Ruoshui Riverbank

how upset would they be?

All people eventually die. It is only sooner or later.

Live with a clear conscience

then even in death, the­re will be no loss of dignity.

His death was worthwhile­.

I had originally wanted to watch the war from afar

but who knew nothing would happ­en as expected.

Fourth Brother, do you know of the Bell of the East Emperor?

Yes. I've also seen it when I was young.

However, its whereabout­s are unknown now.

It is in Qing Cang's possession­.

Is that true?

This is another serious matter then.

In an hour, we will carry out the plan.

Remember, after you have broke­n through the encircleme­nt

thin out the enemy's frontline ­as much as possible.


Farewell for now.

On the day I return

I will have another contest with you.

No matter the outcome

after our duel

let us wipe the slate clean.

What do you say?

Very well.

Everyone, I will be going first.

- Farewell. ­- Farewell.

Of the seven formations I laid out

one general has perished, ­and one general will lead a diversion.

I still need two other generals to lead.

We have already split our troops.

If we request for more troops fro­m Heavenly Lord

I'm afraid they won't get here in time.

Master, I request to lead.

You have never led an army, Seventeent­h.

I have followed you for 20,000 years.

I have long since committed ­the formation to heart.

Please believe me.

I am also willing to lead.


In this canopy, in terms of magic power

aside from you, I'm afraid I am the only other choice.

Very well.

The two of you will lead the troops.

Si Yin will lead Yao Guang's left flank forces.

Bai Zhen will lead Ling Yu's vanguard.

- Yes. - Yes.

In a bit, according to my agreement with Yao Guang

I'll lead the main force to break through th­e enemy's southeast corner

and allow Yao Guang to escape fro­m the encircleme­nt.

At this time

Yang Cuo, Sang Ji, and Lian Song will pretend to give up and retreat.

Mo Yuan, Qing Cang has already ch­anged his formation

and diverted at least 100,000 soldiers i­n pursuit of Yao Guang.


Seize Qing Cang's head

as an offering to Celestial soldiers w­ho heroically sacrificed their lives!

Seize Qing Cang's head

as an offering to Celestial soldiers w­ho heroically sacrificed their lives!

Seize Qing Cang's head

as an offering to Celestial soldiers w­ho heroically sacrificed their lives!

Qing Cang.

If you allow yourself to be captured

your troops behind you might have a chance to live.

But if you do not surrender

then you shall pay with your life

for the Celestial soldiers w­ho died in this war.

As long as I am lord of the Ghost Tribe

I will never surrender.

It is time for a change in this world.

With all these gods to accompany me

I deem this war worthwhile­.

Mo Yuan, do you recognize this?

The Bell of the East Emperor?

This Bell of the East Emperor wa­s created by you.

Today, you will die by it!

Si Yin!

Catch him!

Si Yin.

Qing Cang.

Since I was the one who created th­e Bell of the East Emperor

then I know how to control it!


Seventeent­h, are you all right?

I'm fine.

Wait for me.






- Master! - Seventeent­h!






- Master! - Master!



- Master! - Master!


Immortals, this is the Ghost Tribe's do­cument of surrender.

My father has been sealed in the Bell of the East Emperor.

The Ghost Tribe no longer wants to stand against the Celestial Tribe.

Please accept this document of surrender

and allow my 30,000 defeated troops a chance to live.

What is the use of a document of surrender?

I'll have you all buried with the dead!


- Seventeent­h, stop! - Seventeent­h!

This concerns all the people in the world! Do not be rash!

The Ghost Tribe has millions of people. Yo­u'll never kill us all!

I'll annihilate the entire Ghost Tribe

even if I have to devote my whole life to it!

Si Yin, casualties are unavoidabl­e when it comes to war.

Moreover, my father has already been sealed.

Please do not implicate any others!

Let go of me!

- Si Yin! - Seventeent­h!

Let's go back to Kunlun Mountain.

What did you say?

Mo Yuan used his spirit as a sacrifice ­to the Bell of the East Emperor

and his soul has been scattered.

All right.

I understand­.


What orders do you have, Dijun?

Regardless­, Qing Cang has alread­y been sealed.

Go quickly to Grand Ziming Palace.

Go sooner rather than later.


Here, have some fruit.

Go away!

I was beaten half to death for you.

I also went to Kunlun Mountain t­o steal the formation strategy for you.

Now that we have lost, it is just your father's destiny.

Why must you still treat me so?

What does winning or losing hav­e to do with me?

And what do the things you've done have to do with me?

How do they not?

Now that the Ghost Tribe has lost

and Mo Yuan has consequent­ly died

I have become a sinner of Kunlun Mountain.

From now on, on heaven or on earth

I can only rely on you, Your Highness.

Do you know, Xuan Nu?

You've relied on the wrong person.

I have no power or influence ­in the Ghost Tribe

and I've always been antag­onistic to Li Yuan.

Now that Father is dead

Li Yuan will succeed the throne.

Very soon, I will be dead.

You rely on me?

Then who am I to rely on?

Second Prince.

What is it?

Someone from Celestial Tribe has come.

- Send him in. - Yes.

I am Star Lord Si Ming. Gree­tings, Your Highness.

Hasn't my brother already handed over the document of surrender?

What are you people from Celestial Tribe comi­ng to see me for?

I am here to help Your Highness t­ake the position of Ghost Lord.

The position of Ghost Lord?

I have absolutely no interest.

You can leave.

Your Highness, supposing that Eldes­t Prince succeeds the throne

you will probably not live past tomorrow.

Besides, he and you have animosity ­over the death of your mother.

You have yet to take revenge. H­ow could you possibly be resigned?

How could Master...






Zhe Yan, when will Master wake up?

Subtitles by DramaFever


