Result in 用法

問:in result與in the result有何分別?

答:in result 是指“結果”、“因此”, in the result 則是指“後來”、“結果是”、“最後”。請比較下列句子:

  1. The dam broke and in result the land was flooded.
    大壩決堤了, 因此, 土地被淹了。
  2. You took a great risk, though in the result it did not turn out nearly so badly as it might have done.
    儘管後來的結果沒有本可能會發生的那麼嚴重, 但你當初冒的險還是很大的。


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1、as a result of 是由于的意思,例如:
He was late as a result of the snow. 由于大雪他迟到了。

2、as a result 作为一个最终结果的意思,例如:
He defeated all competitors and won the scholarship as a result。
As a result,the women of today and tomorrow are powerful consumers and understanding their habits and attitudes is critically important for marketers and advertisers.

3、as the result of 是作为......结果,由于
While Paul is describing this behavior as the result of wayward passions, the chief sin is idolatry and separation from the one true God.


5、1)as the result以及as a result,除了上述区别外,用法一致。可作为插入语。 例句:
They cut trees without permission, as the(a) result, taken into prison for 3 months.或者放在句首:He is so cute and gentle, as well as his brain is full of creation. As a result, many girls fall in love with him.
2)as a result of以及as the result of 它们都可以接宾语的成分。可放在句中:They are taken into prison as the(a) result of cutting trees without permission. 或者放在句首:As a result of weather, all the crops grow well.

先看result in 与 result from

result in 是“生出…的结果”,就是“引起”;而 result from 是“因…而起”,这两个短语表示的因果关系不同。


a. Success results from hard work.

b. Hard work results in success.



c. The tsunami has resulted in thousands of deaths. ( ~ in sth)

d. Job losses resulting from changes in production have increased. ( ~ from sth)

在 result in 后面还可以接 v-ing


e. These policies resulted in many elderly people suffering hardship. ( ~ in + v-ing)

查了几本资料书,看到 resulted in 在句子中一般作谓语动词,-ed形式仅表示时态,如过去时和完成时。例句见c. e.

而 resulting in 是句子中的非谓语动词,一般表示主语所产生的后果。


f. The company, stopped trading on 4 April, resulting in 30 redundancies.

resulted from 能查到的句子很少,多用 resulting from,且也在句子中作非谓语动词,表示“因…而产生的”。


g. Rising oil prices resulting from conflict in the Middle East are only exacerbating the situation.

(rising oil prices 是因 conflict in the Middle East 而产生的)






1. 导致:另一方面,如果产品大量生产导致(resultin)成本下降,这就会使产销者提供的产品增加,从而相继会使价格下跌,更多的消费者就会购买该产品. 因此,价格是美国经济体制中的调节机制. 私有企业经济的一个重要因素是允许个人拥有生产资料(productive resources)(私有财产),

2. 引起,结果是;导致:result from 是(由)...造成的 . |resultin 引起,结果是;导致 . |in return 作为回报,作为报答 .

3. 导致,结果是:213、result from 起因于,由...产生,因...而造成 | 214、resultin 导致,结果是 | 215、ring off 挂断电话, 走掉, 离开

4. 引起,导致;结果是:result from是(由)......造成 |resultin引起,导致;结果是 | right away立即,马上

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1. �������ʣ���ʾ�����������������ij�ֽ�������Dz����ﶯ�ʣ�ע�������ã�


Love results in marriage, naturally. �����չ��ڻ������������ճɾ�������

The accident resulted in the death of two passengers. ����¹ʵ��������˿�ɥ����

(2) ����ʾ�ȹ����򣬺�ӽ��from��ָij�ֽ��������ij��ԭ���µģ���ʱͨ����Ϊ���������������������������Ľ���������磺

His failure resulted from his carelessness. ����ʧ���������Ĵ�����ɵġ�

His illness resulted from eating contaminated food. �����������ڳ��˲��ྻ��ʳ�


Success results from hard work. �ɹ�������Ŭ��������

Hard work results in success. Ŭ���������Ե��³ɹ���

2.�������ʣ�����as a result, ��Ϊ�����������������磺

As a result he was forced to leave home. ����������뿪�˼ҡ�

He had some bad fish. As a result, he felt ill. ������Щ���㣬����е��������

��ʾ�����������Ľ��������ӽ�� of���磺

He was late as a result of (=because of) the snow. ������ѩ�����ٵ��ˡ�

��as a result ��һ�ṹ�У�Ҫ�ò����ڴʣ����� as a [the] result ��һ�ṹ�У�ȴ�ò����ڴʻ򶨹ڴʾ��ɡ��磺

As a [the] result of his hard work, he got a pay rise. �����������ڷܣ����������˹��ʡ�



