IG feedback required 解決

你的 IG 無法登入、登入失敗嗎?有時候你可能會在使用 Instagram 登入App的時候,遇到「很抱歉,發生了問題。請再試一次。」這樣的登入問題,明明平常用都沒問題,然後突然不能登入。本篇文章教你兩種解決方法,找到 IG 無法登入的原因。

下面教學IG 無法登入、登入失敗的解決方法。

IG 無法登入、登入失敗!2個解決方法


如果你用IG App 登入出現異常,導致無法登入的情況,你可以先改用IG網頁版登入看看,登入之後去看下登入活動,看是否有莫名的奇妙人士偷登入你IG。


進入IG 網頁版之後,進入「設定」>「登入活動」。看是否有很奇怪的登入活動,比方出現在你從來沒去過的地點,卻有登入活動。

如果你的IG 登入活動並沒有任何異常,你就再試試看剛剛用來登入IG 網頁的密碼登入IG App看看,因為沒道理IG 網頁版可以登入,而IG App卻不行。

如果你碰到異常的IG 登入活動,這時候趕緊將該登入活動移除,然後趕緊更改你的IG 密碼,因為可能有人駭到了你的IG 密碼,所以才會有異常的IG 登入活動。

改掉IG 密碼之後,你的所有登入活動裝置都會被強迫登出,這時候你再用新的IG密碼去登入你的IG App,應該就可以了。

2.刪除IG App,再重新安裝登入

如果你試過了第一個方法,你的IG 網頁版可以登入,你也更改了IG 密碼,但是IG App就是無法登入。那麼你可以將整個IG 刪除,再重新安裝看看。





  • IG 無法重新整理動態?5個方法教你解決!Instagram APP教學

上面就是當你碰到 IG 無法登入、登入失敗時,可以採取的兩個方法啦!

IG 無法登入 常見問題

刪除 IG APP 會怎樣嗎?

刪除 IG APP 並不會怎樣,只是別搞混刪除 IG APP 跟「IG 刪除帳號」還有「IG 關版」之間的差異喔。刪除 IG APP  並不會影響到你的帳號,只是重新安裝 Instagram 在你手機上的 APP 而已。

First off, where does this error show? Do you have an account on Automate Your Socials? Does this error occur on Automate Your Socials or on the official instagram app on your phone? This tutorial is for Automate Your Socials, but could also be used outside our app.  app.automateyoursocials.com

In short; 

The most common way to get this error is by performing actions too fast and not using a proxy on AYS. This error will go away between 30 minutes and 24 hours. This can be more if this is not the first time you got this message. You can check the status on the official IG app. Please slow down the actions on the AYS app and also use a proxy (from your country) on the AYS app to ensure you won’t get the error again. Also, please use a proxy from your country. We recommend this proxy: www.highproxies.com/billing/aff.php?aff=621.

Due to the fact that our servers are located in The Netherlands, users from outside of these regions are likely to face issues (except in some rare exception).

The quick fix to this is getting a private proxy for your account, and enter the proxy in the proxy field while adding your account to Automate Your Socials.

Also interesting: Instagram safety tips with Automate Your Socials

In full;

The two most common reasons that trigger the Feedback required error are using an overloaded server and/or running activities too fast.

The Instagram feedback required error is one of the most common errors you can encounter when using Instagram either manually or when using an automation tool like Automate Your Socials.

Note: If you’re a Automate Your Socials user, kindly contact us immediately when you come across this error so we can quickly resolve it for you.

The Feedback Required error is usually caused by the following;

  1. Instagram Server error (Unable to Connect to Instagram)
  2. Targeted account error
  3. Performing activities too fast
  4. Targeted Hashtags are Banned
  5. Posting Spammy comments

The above reasons are just a few among the possible cause of this issue, however, they are the most common reasons.

1. Instagram Server error: 

If you’re using an automation tool like Automate Your Socials, there is a possibility that we’re unable to connect your account to Instagram due to an overload on the server housing your account on Automate Your Socials, therefore this error occurs. A reason like this is usually fixed when you retry after few minutes or you can simply contact us to have it fixed.

2. Targetted account error: 

You can encounter the Instagram Feedback required error when there is an issue with the account you’re trying to interact with. This could be as a result of privacy settings or the user have decided to block your account.

In this case, you can simply ignore the feedback required error as you won’t encounter issues when you moved on to the next targeted account.

3. Performing Activities too fast: 

If you perform tasks too fast or you have hit the Instagram limits of your account, you are bound to face this error also. There is a set limit for performing various tasks on Instagram such as Follow, Unfollow, Likes and Comments.

For new accounts, the limit is low compared to old and trusted accounts. Although we have set a safe limit for Automate Your Insta according to our trusted research, some users might still face the InstagramAPI\Response\GenericResponse: Feedback required when they’re hitting the limit to avoid getting the account banned.

4. Targeted Hashtags are Blacklisted: 

Sometimes, the issue might not be with your account or your activity, it could be your target. Instagram constantly ban hashtags that have been abused, if you include such hashtag in your targeted tags, then you might encounter this error.

5. Posting Spammy comments: 

If you post comments that Instagram suspects to be a spam, you might be stopped from performing this task and the action required error might come up.

This is why we always advise Automate Your Socials users to use spintax and variables in their comments and DMs.

Solution to the Instagram Feedback Required Error

Note: For new Instagram accounts, errors like this do occur if you have not verified your account, especially with a mobile number AND if you’ve not used the account on the official Instagram mobile app. In this case, we advise you to verify the account (preferably with a mobile number) and also perform tasks such as follow, like and comment on the official Instagram mobile app.

Tips to help you overcome the action required error.

Note: These tips work differently depending on the account trust and what triggered the error.

1. The recommended fix will be to pause the activity and  contact us  and our support will look into and resolve the issue

2. Deactivate the activity. The first step will be to identify what triggers this error, is it happening when you run a specific tool or does it occur on all of your activities.

For example, you could see the error only when you run a specific function like auto like or auto comment. Meanwhile, other functions like auto follow and unfollow are still working perfectly fine.

What you need to do in this case will be to pause the specific activities for 24 hours while other functions are still running.

3. Pause entire account activities. If you encounter this error when you perform any function via Automate Your Socials, then you need to pause entire account from performing any task for 24hours. Also, you’re advised not to perform any activity on the Instagram official mobile app during this period.

4. Reduce Activity Speed. When the pause period in step 2 is finally over, you should set up new activities with a lower speed. If you had been running your campaigns on the fast speed, switch to a speed before it (like Medium).

Run your activities with this reduced speed for at least a week.

5. Avoid running multiple tasks. To be on a safer side, it is recommended to run single activities for the first few days before and never run more than two activities for the next few weeks.

And when combining multiple activities, always avoid auto follow + auto unfollow at the same time. This could be risky for your account. You can combine two other activities aside these two.

6. Always Read your activity log. The purpose of the log page for every activity is to let you how your account is performing these tasks when you follow these logs, you’ll be able to tell when things are not going right. And you can easily deactivate any activity generating too many errors.

Note: Always deactivate any activity that shows any error similar to ‘InstagramAPI\Response\GenericResponse: Feedback required’ to avoid sending more requests to Instagram.

The above suggestions are what worked for many of our users who have come across the Instagram Feedback Required error. It is not necessary to try all of the above as a single one could be a fix to your own issue. Understanding what triggers the error is the key to solving it.


