Exceed 中文

They should not exceed in size the equivalent of one page of print.

Immunization rates of the elderly in the study communities did not exceed 1%.

Secondly, the number of these edges we need to insert must not exceed the number of edges previously removed.

Not only is professional knowledge exceeded in this case, but also practical and social understanding.

If demand for oxygen still exceeds supply once these adaptations have occurred, the fetus must further reduce its oxygen consumption.

As this passage demonstrates, the position of the teacher vis-à-vis the student not only equals but exceeds that of his parents.

The tract was coded as contiguous if any of the surrounding tracts exceeded a threshold of 40% poverty.

This time is determined as the cycle at which the number of parasites exceeds the antibody trigger level plus a specified lag time.


They should not exceed in size the equivalent of one page of print.

The deduced protein sequences between isoenzymes show 50-60% homology within species, while the homology of the same isozyme from different species exceeds 90%.

Not only is professional knowledge exceeded in this case, but also practical and social understanding.

If outlays threaten to exceed the threshold, allotments must be reduced and/or enrollments curtailed unless the cap is expressly overridden by legislative action.

The screening length decreases with ionization and the difference does not exceed 20%.

This time is determined as the cycle at which the number of parasites exceeds the antibody trigger level plus a specified lag time.

If demand for oxygen still exceeds supply once these adaptations have occurred, the fetus must further reduce its oxygen consumption.

Secondly, the number of these edges we need to insert must not exceed the number of edges previously removed.



阿拉伯语 德语 英语 西班牙语 法语 希伯来语 意大利语 日语 荷兰语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 罗马尼亚语 俄语 瑞典语 土耳其语 乌克兰语 中文


同义词 阿拉伯语 德语 英语 西班牙语 法语 希伯来语 意大利语 日语 荷兰语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 罗马尼亚语 俄语 瑞典语 土耳其语 乌克兰语 中文 乌克兰语




The BTA Facebook page following grew significantly to exceed 1100 followers for the first time.

BTA的Facebook网页的显着增长超过以下 1100 信徒首次.

text No NSString Description Length cannot exceed 140

text 否 NSString 描述 长度不能超过 140个中文字符

Surely this must exceed human comprehension.


Here you will not exceed your capabilities.


Always exceed expectations through effective process control


Provide engaging web and mobile experiences that exceed user expectations.

提供超越用户期望、有吸引力的 Web 和移动体验。

Savings from Gi network consolidation can easily exceed 30%.

Gi网络整合所带来的节省能够轻松超过30 % 。

Their combined spending will exceed $15 billion.


They claim that seven years exceed any reasonable time-frame.


Following recipe and presentation guidelines to meet or exceed guests expectations


where the amount does not exceed $50000 in any one case; and

(a) 在任何一个个案中数额是不超过$ 50000的,则署长可予冲销;及

The maximum weight of the workpiece must not exceed 500kg.

工件的最大质量不得超过 500kg。

The baseline peaks should typically not exceed 20癈.

基线峰值一般不应超过20 ¡ãC。

Selected pictures exceed the maximum allowed by application.


The ApplicationName cannot exceed character length {0}.

ApplicationName 的长度不能超过 {0} 个字符。

Batch description size cannot exceed 256 chars.

批处理说明大小不能超过 256 个字符。

Excel cannot exceed the limit of 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns.

Excel 的行列数不能超过 1,048,576 行和 16,384 列的限制。

Adjusted V1 must not exceed VR.


Multi-Entry Plan cannot exceed 1 year in duration.

多录入计划的持续时间不能超过 1 年。

Its pressure should not exceed 30 PSI.

加油压力不超过30 psi。



结果: 9320. 精确: 9320. 用时: 24毫秒


