經濟 英文

- {经} (社会物质生产和再生产的活动) economy:

national economy; 国民经济

the state sector of the economy; 国营经济

- (对国民经济有利或有害的) economic; of industrial or economic value:

economic plants; 经济植物

industrial crops; cash crops; 经济作物

- (个人生活用度) financial condition; income:

financial burden; 经济负担

be hard up; 经济拮据

- (节省的) economical; thrifty:

costing too much; uneconomical; 不经济

use economically; 经济地使用


经济案件economic case

经济班机air coach

经济办法economic measures

经济背景economic setting

经济比较economical comparison

经济比例关系economic proportional relations

经济变动理论theory of economic change

经济变量economic variable

经济波动economic fluctuation

经济采收率economic recovery

经济参事economic counselor

经济测量学econometrics; econometry

经济差距economic gap

经济产量economic yield

经济成分sector of the economy; economic sector

经济成长阶段论stages of economic growth

经济冲突团体economic conflict group

经济出路economic opportunities for

经济刺激economic incentive

经济刺激开支pump priming

经济刺激手段economic stimuli

经济刺激政策pump priming

经济大起大落sharp fluctuations in economic growth

经济单位economic units; economic institutions

经济抵制economic boycott

经济底子薄poor economic foundation

经济地理学economic geography

经济地图economic map

经济地质学economic geology

经济调度economic load dispatching

经济定额norm of economic

经济动态econormic trends

经济动物economic animal

经济独立economic independence

经济对抗economic confrontation

经济二元论economic dualism

经济发展economic growth

经济发展后劲capacity for future economic growth

经济发展目标objective of economic development

经济发展战略strategy for economic development; economic development strategy

经济法economic law

经济法规economic canon; canon of economy; economic laws and regulations

经济繁荣economic prosperity

经济犯罪economic crimes [offences]

经济犯罪分子economic criminals

经济犯罪活动economic criminal activities

经济肥力economic fertility

经济封锁economic blockade

经济服务中心economic service centre

经济复苏economic resurgence

经济负载economy load; economy loading

经济改革economic reform

经济纲领economic programme

经济杠杆economic levers [leverage]

经济割据economic separation

经济工联主义business unionism

经济工作者business administrators

经济公开make the accounts public

经济共同体economic community

经济观测指标economic barometer

经济管理economic management

经济管理体制economic management system [structure]; system of economic administration; administrative setup of economy; managerial setup

经济管理组织economic management organization

经济过热an “overheated economy”; the overheating of economy

经济航道economic waterway

经济航线economic route

经济核算economic [business] accounting

经济核算成本costs in economic accounting

经济核算单位business accounting unit

经济核算观念concept of economic accounting

经济核算制system of economic calculation

经济合理原则principle of economic rationality; principle of rationalization in the economy; principle of economic feasibility

经济合同business contract

经济合同法economic contract law

经济合同仲裁委员会economic contract arbitration committee

经济合作economic cooperation

经济合作法economic cooperation act

经济合作行动纲领action programme for economic cooperation

经济滑坡economic decline

经济活动机制mechanism of economic activities

经济基础economic base; economic foundation

经济集团economic bloc

经济技术开发区economic and technical development zone; economic-technical development zone

经济技术指标economic and technical norms [targets]

经济计量模型econometric model

经济计量模型分析econometric model analysis


经济计量预测法econometric forecasting method

经济监督economic supervision

经济建设费expenditure on economic construction

经济建设公债economic construction bonds

经济较发达地区area that are fairly developed economically

经济接触器economy contactor

经济接近性economic proximity

经济拮据be pressed for money; be pushed for money; be hard up

经济结构economic pattern; economic structure

经济解剖学economic anatomy

经济界限economic boundaries

经济竞争economic competition

经济竞争机制economic competitive mechanism

经济决定论economic determinism

经济开发区economic development zone

经济考察tour survey of economy

经济控制论economic cybernetics

经济浪漫主义economic romanticism

经济理论工作者people doing theoretical work in economics; economic theoreticians

经济立法economic legislation

经济联合economic combination; economic associations

经济联合体economic complex [association]

经济林economic forest


经济领导工作者business executive

经济领域economic field

经济轮伐期economic rotation

经济贸易网点economic and commercial network

经济命脉economic lifeline; economic arteries; key branches of the economy

经济模式[模型]economic model

经济目标economic targets; economic objective

经济能力economic capability

经济批量economic lot size; economic batch quantity

经济平衡economic equilibrium

经济评价economic evaluation

经济起飞economic takeoff

经济企划厅[日] Economic Planning Agency

经济汽化器economical carburet(t)or

经济潜力economic potential

经济情报economic information

经济情况economic conditions

经济趋势economic trend

经济区economic zone

经济区划division of economic zones

经济权益economic rights and interests

经济人economic man

经济人口学economic demography

经济社会效益economic and social benefits

经济社会学economic sociology

经济社会学原理sociological theories of the economy

经济渗透economic penetration; economic infiltration

经济生存能力economic viability

经济生活economic life

经济失调economic disproportions; economic ailments; dislocation of the economy; economic dislocation

经济施肥economic fertilization

经济时daylight saving time; daylight saving; daylight time

经济时间数列economic time series

经济实惠economical and practical; inexpensive but substantial (meal 等)

经济实力economic strength

经济实体economic entity

经济史观economic interpretation of history

经济事业economic establishments

经济手段economic means [measures; methods]

经济寿命{工管} economic life

经济数学economic mathematics

经济数学模型法mathematical economic models

经济衰退economic recession

经济司法economic judicature

经济素质economic quality

经济损失economic losses

经济特区special economic zone; SEZ

经济腾飞economic take-off

经济体制economic system [structure]

经济体制改革restructuring the economy; reforming the economic setup; structural reform of the economy; reshaping the economic setup; economic structural reform; reform of the economic structure; restructuring of the economic system

经济条件预测economic condition forecasting

经济调整economic readjustment

经济停滞economic stagnation

经济统计economic statistics

经济统制政策policy of economic control

经济退赔return what one has unlawfully taken or pay compensation for it

经济外交economic diplomacy

经济网络economic networks

经济危机economic crisis

经济萎缩economic contraction; economic downturn

经济文学literature concerning economy

经济稳定economic stability

经济问题economic problems

经济物品economic goods

经济细胞形式economic cell-form

经济系统economic system

经济现象economic phenomenon

经济萧条economic depression; slump

经济效果economic results; economic gains

经济效率commercial efficiency

经济效用降低decline in economic usefulness

经济协定economic agreement

经济协作区economically coordinated regions

经济信息economic information

经济形势economic situation

经济行为economic behaviour; economic performance

经济行政机构bodies charged with economic administration

经济性状economic characters


经济学会economics society

经济循环circular flow of economy

经济研究所institute of economics

经济研究中心economic research centre

经济业务economic work

经济一体化economic integration

经济优势economic advantages; favorable economic conditions

经济有效原则principle of economic efficiency

经济与货币联盟economic and monetary union

经济预测economic forecast [projection]

经济预测工作forecasts on economic developments; economic forecasting

经济原理economic principles

经济援助economic aid [assistance]

经济援助协定agreement on economic aid

经济运动motion of economy

经济运行economic operation

经济运行机制economic (operation) mechanism

经济运转economical running; economy run

经济杂交(牧业)commercial crossbreeding

经济责任economic commitments [responsibility]; financial responsibility

经济责任制system of economic responsibility; economic responsibility system; system of financial responsibility

经济择伐economic selection cutting

经济增长economic growth

经济增长点economic growth point

经济增长率economic growth rate

经济战{军} economic warfare

经济振兴economic revival [rejuvenation]; vigorous economic growth

经济振兴时期period of vigorous economic development; new period of vigorous economic growth

经济政策economic policy

经济支柱pillar of the economy

经济职能economic functions

经济植物economic plants

经济指标economic indicator [target]

经济指数economic index number

经济制裁economic sanction

经济制高点commanding heights of economy

经济秩序economic order

经济周期economic cycle; trade cycle; business cycle

经济主体economic entity; economic body


经济资料economic data

经济自由化liberalization of the economy

经济自由主义economic liberalism

经济综合平衡部门economic balancing departments

经济租金economic rent

经济组织economic entities; economic organization

经济作物cash crop; industrial crop; commercial crop


